hello can anyone reccomend a good sight where i can read up on ford difs ....i keep hearing this one is better for this and this one for that.....to be honest i dont know anything about them. and how do you id your diff.
thank`s chaps
Use retro ford, is your diff playing up, not really a easy job to do, I've done two, one good one just whines :-))
This link might help -LINK I only skimmed the top part but it looks to be a bit of a history lesson.
thanks guys. their is nothing wrong with my diff...i just need to know about the things. not really something i have ever had to do in the past.
hi so i found out my diff is a 3.77. what does this mean in simple terms lol
its ok i know now. thanks anyway
I think that the 3.77 was the standard Mk1 Mexico axle.
I believe that the 1600GT was 86bhp at 5500rpm. According to my spreadsheet, with 185/70x13 tyres and a 3.77 rear axle, and assuming that you have a 4 speed from a Mk1 Mexico, then the maximum speeds in the gears (at 6000 rpm) would be 36, 53 and 76mph. Your top speed would be 99mph at 5575rpm. 70mph corresponds to 3950rpm in top and you'd have power to climb a 14% hill at that speed, which is pretty good. You should get about 35mpg at 70mph.
Acceleration suffers a little from the relatively high gearing. 0-60mph looks like 8.3 secs and standing 1/4 mile takes 16.6 sec with a terminal velocity of 81mph. Overall, I think it is quite nicely geared, as 4 speeds go.
According to the road test, the Mk1 RS2000 did 31mpg at 70mph and the Mk2 1300 did 33mpg at 70mph. Their overall was 26mpg and 33mpg respectively. The figures for road tests of the Mk1 1300 seem quite a lot worse, averaging 24.4mpg.
I get over 40mpg from my Legerra at 65mph.
thanks for that james. ye the guy who i bought it off was banginng on about how much the back axle was worth...? i was not listening ...i was trying to inspect the car..... it is 4 speed with the same tyres as your spreadsheet. is it a rare axle..?
I don't know what other Escorts that axle was used on, so I'd guess that it is rare but that might not be the same as 'valuable' - I don't know. The Mk2 1600 Capris had the same ratio but it might be a different width. I think that the ratio was chosen to get the best top speed for the Mexico, also 99mph. The extra weight of the Escort does not have much effect on the top speed, it is more down to the aerodynamic drag.
If its a timken diff in the crapi then its interchangeable with the timken in the escort. (but you lot knew that anyway)
Worth a bit, a good diff, these guys know. http://www.escorttec.com/Parts.html
Weight makes a big difference, is that taken into consideration ,James ?
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