Bloody wind knocked my bonnet shut and has caused stress cracks. I have always had a misalignment issue, I have now done that and now have to repair this long thin crack, hopefully without messing the paint job up to much. Have just ran a slitting disc along the crack, it appears to be just the gelcoat and paint, Any tips in what to use and way forward? I'm not good with body work, cant weld it and hit it with the big grinder :-) Anyway, do I open the crack width ways so that it has a bevel to fill and what do I use? filler, resin, gelcoat repair stuff? plus any tips on keeping it neat?
iv a skin like a rino i dont mind :-)))
martin did you try the face book thing....?
wise martin. did you get the jist of what i was saying though..?
Having funny little digs is a term of endearment. When I first went back to work after the brain tumour thing, everyone was so good and walked on egg shells, I felt odd, left out. It didn't last long, before I became the deaf daft tw#t with half a brain. Then I dived over the side and saved someone's life and they dropped the daft bit, for a while :-))
lol@steve did you really save someones life ?.
Yep, he was a matelot who was fire watching while we welded, 3am and he just tumbled over the side, reckon he fell asleep. Heard his shouts and just stripped down and went in after him, cold and dark and he was in trouble. Got a commendation and a big meal for that from the Royal Navy.
wow. you should be so proud of yourself. its on my list of things to do before i die. id love to save a life.....nice one steve
This will make you smile, lost, misplaced my trolley Jack, couldn't find it for love or money. Blamed my son. Got the B+ back in one piece so moved it outside. Climbed in and started it up and went to drive down the drive, yep you've guest it, bloody thing was jammed under the car by the exhaust pipe, big grating noise and a squeal of metal, found my trolley Jack :-)))
lmfao@steve. iv heard the tinkle of spanners leaving my cars as iv been test driving them many times. i even got some of them back. now wheres that 1/2 ins
Nice one Steve. I learned, after many years of going back up BT ladders for things left behind, to check twice for anything that shouldn't be there.
On the bright side, well found that man.
Well pulled the car out in the sun, gave it a wash, and wish I didn't, dissatisfied with the finish, head has dropped, got a bit of a sulk on. Hope it will mop out, looks a bit dry and gritty. Stupid car. Down here it's called artex, or Polperro ripple. :-((
Bonnet, just had another good look, it ain't really that bad, but I know it's there now, got a soft foam mop and some G3, just don't fancy it :-(
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