
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

just found this in my ginnel behind my melos. i think someone has droped in their with a chopper :-)

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ok dokey. how much was that ade

I will take a picture of my one on the sierra. That's a twin outlet and I made a 'collector' from the Sierra downpipe which was about £30. Directly below the flange is a short straight bit with two pipes side by side. Cut there. Mount the manifold and down pipe on the engine then use whats left to make the adaptor. That way you are working with new metal not a teabag.

lol cheers ade 

Of course the Sierra downpipe might fit under the S1 Sierra with the higher floor at which point you can cut the old pipe further back and join under the body rather than in the engine bay.

i didnt know the s1 sierra was higher....how much higher is it ade..? thanks

Early Sierras had a flat floor, S2's had footwells that dropped either side of the main chassis rails which made the floor about 2 inches lower. Fine if you have size 14 feet. I filled mine with expanding foam and then a 3mm ally skin over it... acts like a big drain...

lol :-)

One of the reasons Dutton's are so compact is the seating position is slightly further forward than a standard escortbut that means there is more 'footwell' in the engine bay than a standard car hence the exhausts hitting the floor pans.

Get a big cast iron one, they don't rust, it ain't like your going drag racing, is it ??

no :-) 

what about this one its single pipe. i think it would be easier for me to weld tbh ;http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Single-Pipe-Exhaust-Manifold-Ford...)  

That's what I have on the green Legerra, works fine, less hassle. but you will still need to make a new downpipe.


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