
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hi there ,Hello again, Sorry for lack of using site..  i joined in march, having been a member years ago.. Do you  have fees, i.e. does it cost to be a member.  I had bought a dutton for spares  but not sure what model it is, certainly a phaeton,  and wondered if the escort fronts would swap easily enough to my other dutton phaeton/ failing that were all spitfire front brakes the same if i want to get replacement discs and callipers? also where do i get the bushes from for the link bars that hold the rear axle in place? And lastly does any one have a roll bar for sale.. Pretty please and many thanks in advance Si.. 

Ps Any members near me in dorking or down near lyme regis where i tend to visit a fair bit. Thanks again Si

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No fees on this site just crack on and use it.

Dutton Owners Kit Cars FB site not sure if they are asking for a membership fee.

Thankyou Dave... sorry didn’t get a chance to say thank you .. cheers si

Just the fact you asked for rear link bar bushes tells me you should have an S1 Phaeton.

If the spares car is Ford based then it is most likely an S3 or S4. Metal side panels indicate S3, full fibreglass sides and spotlight holes in the front bumper would point to it being an S4.

The S1 takes triumph spitfire / herald / vitesse etc front suspension bushes available from Rimmer bros if you want rubber or various sources that sell the polyurethane variety, don't expect either to be an 'easy' fit though. 

S1 and S2 used all triumph front suspension which is incompatible with the S3 and S4 which used Ford derived suspension all round. Very little of the S3/4 will fit the S1/2. Discs for the triumph are all but extinct in the aftermarket with supplies having been cornered by 'classic' parts dealers. Pads are still available as are wheel bearings etc. If the existing discs have no wear lip then consider getting them skimmed rather than replacing them.

Hope this helps in some way. 

As Dave says, no fees on this site, I also know there are currently no fees on FB however you'll get more sense out of us on here and it's easier to track conversations than FB.

wierdly i have just been looking for triumph discs..... havent had any issues finding listings for them Rimmer bros being one supplier..

None of my current suppliers list them as an available item although they all still list part numbers.
I know Rimmers do them but find the barrel they bend you over a little uncomfortable.
I was looking for ones I could buy in and pass on at a decent discount to fellow Dutton owners.

I need discs as well , just found over 400 listings on ebay  with lowest price for 2 Delphi discs at £29.00  

Hi Dave I found a page on eBay, pads discs and callipers for £140 .ish.. that seemed very reasonable to me ??? Are all the triumph callipers the same?? Many thanks Si

Brakes International

Spitfire front callipers approx £76 per side and a similar price for Escort MK1 a little more for GT6 fronts

4 cyl triumphs the same but different to 6 cyl and TR's

I have used spitfire in place of mk1 escort before, principally its a different location for the flexi pipe.

Some S4's had rear links Ade

Rare though.

Hi Adrian.. Thank you for your reply.. and sorry I didn’t see it yesterday.. cool so I have an s1 I should send some photos and my spares is an s4.. would the escort front brackets be able to be cut off the S4 and onto the S1 or is it not worth doing. Where do I get replacement bushes for those 4 or 5 bars that hold my axle in place, a bush at each end.. and I’ve found a page on eBay where I can get triumph spitfire pads discs and callipers for £140.. are all the spitfire callipers the same.. Many thanks si


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