
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

We have loads of Sierra's, Melos's and Phaetons, quite a few Legerra's and even a  few B's and Malaga's on here. What I want to know is, where are all the others, the Beneto's, Rico's? 

I know both Nick and Mark have Beneto's but they are the only two I have ever seen. Who's hiding the others?

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Hi Tom.

Well most of the UK DOC members have registered the serial numbers. It makes it easier for us to trace queries from the DVLA if we have accurate records. It is also a way of safeguarding our vehicles identities.

Having the reg and VIN of the car along with some dated photo's, registered with an owners club can be considered proof should there be any question about the vehicles from the authorities. The data is kept in an offline computer and on one memory stick as backup so it's quite secure.

I don't see what the 'problems' could be unless there is something to hide.

Big grey fog is for hiding things that aren't right and its not very helpful.


Yes, have to agree. An up to date database will set a base line. Anybody currently registered will have no problems and it might stop any number 'tinkering' in the future.

That was the plan Derek.

I can't help but think that anyone who doesn't wish to get involved must be hiding something, what do they think I am going to do with the info, start making locosts...:-)

no, start making cloned duttons,  can i order mine now please, i want one like Dave Adam's car, before he pranged it  :)))) 

But on a serious note dispite there being a datebase now, it will not stop some one from trying to either avoid IVA or using a age related plate from a car they they have scrapped and not informed either the club, or DVLA that they have 

The work already put into this has payed off more than once and its an ongoing process. 

Some do go past the point where they can be recovered, when the Dutton concerned is cut up then there is little point in trying as there is no vehicle to put the registration back on.

When people get greedy and sell the remains is where they will come a cropper. Again, not all of them can be traced but I certainly aim to try. People planning on doing this don't normally join the club but we do have members that have joined on the grounds it says dutton on the log book and been quite surprised when someone points out its an MK indy...

Cheers mate. a vote of confidence for my efforts. makes me want to do better now snd really make a nice one.

Again true, and it's impossible to stop the unscrupulous, but the club has to be responsible and a defined database is a good start.

Agree about the poor prices. The zetec Melos on ebay didn't sell, didn't even reach £1k http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dutton-mellos-kit-car-/271097284592?_trks...

Its a subject that is bound to have opposing view points,  the club ,i feel should do both, protect the identity of duttons,and through showing what a well restored dutton can be , to raise the status of the marque, it shouldnt be about raising the value as a reason for doing it,  unless of course  you see your collection as an investment to sell on when the price is right, How do others see their cars , as  worth x£ or as their pride and joy, that they won't sell regardless of what it might be worth?

I agree Martin and I thought the club was doing both. 

The current group of restorations being documented on here goes to show just how much people want to improve. There is no doubt in my mind that in a year or two we will have a superb turnout at the shows. 

I don't ever see my cars as an investment. I built the Legerra for fun motoring and it has been a complete success, to me she's priceless and I don't give a monkeys what other people 'value' it at.

The Sierra is a useful tool, transport to work, events and for collecting the bits needed to rebuild another Dutton. Its budget motoring with a grin on my face, you've seen it... it looks like a cheap woolies radio control car. Sense of humour compulsory. On the other hand it is unique. One of the most modified Sierra's ever built, maybe not big mods like some we have seen but little subtle ones like the frenched filler cap, moulded in third brake light, moulded lips over the doors to stop water dripping in. Don't get me wrong, its not a show car by any means and will be getting a body off rebuild at some time in the future when finances allow. When I acquired it I was lucky to get it back home with all four wheels on there were so many bits missing.

There are loads of these restorations on the go, some you guys hear nothing about that are going to be awesome (Melos with a BMW straight 6!) and the ones you all know about from here. The bar is being raised. You don't have to pay out £12 and join the club, if you bought a Dutton then you are already part of a club. I feel the need to preserve the information is important, they are a vanishing breed not being helped by unscrupulous people who are only doing it to short cut the law of the land.

Vern.. once again I say document the rebuild and give me the info. If the DVLA give you any bother (thats if they even exist in two year time) the club will back you to the hilt.

Sorry... I've rambled...

On line name please - see how club collated details can be misused!

Daryl doesn't have access to that part of the club database.

In fact the only person that has unrestricted access to the club database is me. It's kinda difficult to fulfill my job description without it :-)

Daryl has a list of vehicles for reference and Nick gets a list of names and addresses to send out the club mags... There isn't another copy but after the last three or four months trying to re-enter 300 + members on a soon to be redundant system, I wish there was...


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