It's all gone very quiet on here chaps, even Mr Butler seems to have disappeared :-))) If your all out and about in your pride and joy's, and enjoying blasting around, how about some photographs of Duttons in different places to give us poor old shed bound guys, a bit of incentive to get our machines on the road! Come on boys, some interesting up to date pics of pictures of the cars with something interesting in the back ground like ..... scenery, pubs, scantily clad women ...... be imaginative.
I was saying to Daryl a few days ago, that I can not for the life of me understand why you lot keep on buying more and more old Duttons........ I must be missing something! ;-) I'm gona make a trophy to present at next years AGM, to the person who has the biggest Dutton grave yard. ( must be an active person on here)
I'm still here just haven't had much time and had reached a point where I wasn't sure what to tackle next. Made a bit of progress over the weekend and know what i'm doing now so should be some more updates soon :)
Rollypolly is going free if you want her Pete, you might need a harness to stop yourself from falling off though, actually shes away on her holidays , A swimming holiday at loch ness
Hope it leaks, what am I saying, of course it leaks!
Clones,??? hang on, this is getting scary, now, exactly who, or what is being cloned, do we really need 2 Ade's , the club certainly doesnt need 2 of me , actually, prehaps cloning Daryl and Ade isnt that bad an idea, they could get twice the workload done :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Martin, someone was talking about preventing the fraud of duplicate vehicle identities, someone else was thinking it would be a crime not to infringe copyright and make a mould for a hardtop, and someone else was talking about squandering advanced technology on the (also illegal) copying of a couple of relics. I'll let you work out which is which.
Cloning Dutton owners to create a Dutton army and secretly plotting to take over the world ha ha haa!
And whats the odds they would all come out like dolly the sheep:))))))))))
either way its scary, you either get chased by welly wearing welshmen, or BV trying to bite lumps out of you, but i guess it could be worse, imagine if they were like seals,
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