Right you tight fisted b******s, thime to let the moths out of the wallet and cough up.
Membership reminder emails will be forthcoming shortly as will a new issue of DT. If you don't renew when prompted then you won't get your new shiny DT.
Those of you that have joined between july 2012 and may 2013 won't get a reminder until its due so no need to do anything unless you mag dosent turn up after everyone else has theirs.
TISH... my speeling is bad today...
still far too polite Ade. go mug 'em!
You should have my renewal Ade, sent it a couple of weeks ago :-)
Currently still processing, probably sat in the printer buffer as I ran out of paper last night :-(
will sort mine in next week or 2 ade as a lot has been going on can u message me the paypall link or details to pay by paypall
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