So, you go to sell your car on the bay, how does the charges work out, because the dearest thing I have ever sold is £200. And I thought the charges very expensive. Is it a percentage thing? Or an agreed fee beforehand.
O.K. say it's a car starting about £500, no postage. They take 10% ?
The fees are different for cars: £10 insertion fee plus 1% of the final selling price but with a minimum of £20 and a maximum of £35. So in my case, It'll have cost £30 unless there are a couple of nutters in the 180 watchers who bid it over £2000. Pretty unlikely (even though it has cost me nearly that much in just purchase price and the bits I've fitted).
Hi James thanks for that info, I thought yours was gone yesterday, good luck with the sale.
Sorry guys, I had to walk the dog!
I am really pleased with the price I got as it is almost exactly what I paid for it. Okay, so it now benefits from an extra £700 of mostly new parts, and I spent £300 on transportation and £340 on insurance but I got back what I paid for it!
The new owner is a chap called Terry Scott who has 3 Bond Bugs, so maybe he has a thing about orange cars. I'm looking forward to meeting him as he sounds interesting.
They're all surfacing now, money, money, money. Every scrappy must have one, somewhere :-))
I don't think it is a bubble and it is only one Melos per week which is pretty normal for the start of the season. Mine went for a reasonable price. I reckon that there is not much to do to get it MOT'ed but the inspection could well throw up problems with bushes or dampers etc so it will probably owe Terry about £1400 by the time it is back on the road. That seems like a reasonable price for a lively sports car. So I don't think that is a bubble that is going to burst at all.
Thats one of the reasons I started to pursue alternative power plants. If ford engines are such a magnet then get something else. Personally I quite like the idea of a M series BMW powered phaeton. Financial practicalities however seem to be winning, the pinto is staying.
Just because you use a different engine and box doesn't mean the back axle and suspension needs to be changed, you just need a prop with the right ends making up. Mine has a vaux redtop, manta gearbox and escort axle. That said i'm not sure how long an escort axle would last with m3 power!
For example, if you remove the complete back suspension from a leaf sprung vehicle you are left with two forward, two rear and two or possibly three 'central' mounting points. You make a subframe to carry the new suspension setup and just bolt it in place. If the trailing arms are the wrong shape or end up in the wrong place under the car then just make your own or get someone to do it for you.
The S1 is different as it will have less options for the mountings but the theory is the same.
This can also be applied to the front however there is a lot more metal in the way so it may prove that double wishbones etc are easier to use.
Not that I would condone such a thing but, if you modify the chassis then take it for an MOT who's going to tell? The MOT tester? unlikely to say anything unless it fails on one of the modified components.
Bmw subframes have been done on Dutton's, read it in torque magazine a while back. As for IVA, simple answer is you can add cross member but you cannot remove any of the original. Simple 4 bolt mounting with rubber bushes. It may add height and width though. Go for it Ade. :-))
So, will my Sierra command a 5 figure sum? one day? please. Say yes of course it will. :-))
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