It has come to my notice (by 3 doc members so far) that because matters were not to some members liking at the AGM that they are planning a coup and wish to usurp the DOC to their prefered committee irrespective of the members expressed wishes. Whilst I have some sympathy with those wishes a secret gang plotting is not the way to do it. I was asked by all of the 3 members to stay out of it......however I wasn't included so I had to rely on those good friends to keep me in the loop.
I have decided to get involved...
Is this the way to organise or reorganise a car club? A secret club of petulant committee members?
I have always been in favour of abiding by the rules even if i don't like them. .....and that is why I was kept out of it (this coup......) because I play by the rules. And I am glad I was kept out of it....
This is a single marque car club not the freemasons.
I work for the best interests of the DOC and the Dutton marque. Not my own personal interests. I wish more felt the same way.
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Why not the coup is being organised through the personal messaging service?
If DOC members want to talk about potential changes to the club through personal messages, then that is fine. That is democracy in action. My mother has a poster in her kitchen that says "After all is said and done, there is a lot more said than done". People need to be allowed to confer, conspire, discuss and debate. Often as not, the final result is very different from the initial suggestions. That is not a coup.
I don't think that anyone is looking to do anything that is not in "the best interests of the DOC and the Dutton marque". I, for one, am not happy with the club as it stands. I want the DOC to be a club that I can be proud to be a member of. The last AGM was an embarrassment and I don't think that anyone wants that to be repeated.
Running a club is hard work and it cannot run smoothly when committee members are not in the right jobs and coordinated by the chairman - with the right people in the right jobs then it would be much easier to manage and could still be made into a useful and effective club.
Dave Adams, if you have the club at heart, then should you not have at least contacted the people you claim are plotting a coup by PM, what you have done, puts the club in a bad light, not everyone on here are members of the DOC ,
I agree with James, the last AGM was a farce, 8 members decided who kept what, without knowing the whole story, i objected to it and resigned, because the rules you like to quote are flawed 8 out of a membership of 350-400 330 did not get any say , thats not a club i wish to be part of.
Steve 330 were not given the chance to vote, they did not recieve any notification , or even the chance of a postal vote, if they had i would have accepted it, and as for engines and poliics, you have lost me there, but i think this now needs to be dropped,and things allowed to calm down,
i regret any slagging off on any forum, but if you cant get any answers to the questions how else can you get the answers? certain promisses were made but then forgotten about.
The rules clearly state how voting takes place. Every member has that opportunity. If they choose not to exercise that right providing further ways of not voting will achieve the same result.
Democracy is only the least worst of many systems it is a long way from utopia it is also dependent on a voter who is motivated rather than apathetic. Changing the voting methods for such a small club would be prohibitively expensive and likely give the same results.
You see there is passion a plenty in this club. ....ccan we direct it somewhere useful? ;-)
Dave, where would you suggest we direct the passion ?
Everybody here has the passion for the club and the Dutton marque. Most of us follow the Constitution and rules which your apt to quote frequently, all we ask is that the office-bearers of this Club do like-wise. If the Chairman and Treasurer had carried out the tasks pertaining to their posts and produced a set of Accounts at the AGM or shortly after as promised, we would not be having this debate on an open forum. Their choice is to ignore all member's and Committee member's enquiries, and live in hope that it will all go away !! Also, I'm afraid to say, you are rather quick in defending their lack of action by trying to quote umteen rules from the Constitution, to which we all know very well
I am not defending their actions. If you read my post you will see that I am in sympathy with those aims on the whole .I am not in agreement with the way it's being done.
If this is the way its going to happen the club will descend into anarchy with a coup every couple of months like some 3rd world country. The constitution allows change to be imposed do it right. But backroom deals are not the way.
There are no back room deals Dave, The DOC members have no way to communicate with each other, save using two open forums, where discussion about the club is always warned against because its public, for that reason the PM system is the only way for the members who are still passionate about Dutton to try and get some sort of information as to what is going to be done about this situation.
I believe there were between 20 and 30 paid members some 10 odd were committee members. Only 4 (I think) would make quorate. ...the voting was fully legal under any circumstances you wish to try and contest.
That not withstanding the rules state that a majority of those present at the AGM is all that is required.
As I said democracy however dressed up tends to get it wrong as often as it gets it right.
I think it was Churchill who said that "Democracy is the very worst system, apart from all of the other systems that we have tried".
Are committee members not members? Stop playing disingenuous games and work for the club not against.
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