
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hi Guys, I am just about to start my winter project of beefing up the front suspension of my S1 phaeton including a new set of coil-overs. As I run with a rover V8, with the usual spitfire/herald front suspension, I was wondering what the spring poundage should be on the new coil-overs I am ordering from Dampertech. Your advice/comments will be much appreciated

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Comment by Big Vern on December 6, 2012 at 19:02

Friend of mine built a Tiger with a ZX9 bike engine a few years back and even with the sierra rear subframe it was only 430kg.

Comment by Dave Adams on December 6, 2012 at 17:13
I see caterhams and the like claim 550kg but i really do wonder....... the engine and axles on my dutton must weigh in at 350kg or so, the chassis is at least 100lg there is close to half a ton already without the body and fluids etc. however i was also surprised at the weight of my car. at about 700kg kerb weight.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on December 6, 2012 at 13:18

My Legerra clocks 635kg with a full tank but with no soft top etc fitted.

Comment by Big Vern on December 6, 2012 at 12:51

Whilst I accept the information in the dutton brochure may not be the most acurate they list the S1 with a xflo as 535kg :-o Never thought that was wholly true The melos was 672kg minus driver but with full tank of fuel and ready for the road. So where is all that weight in the dutton given they have less metal in them that a Cateringvan 7 that weighs in at 550kg?

The melos was a little soft on the front as it only had 2.35 times the unsprung cornerweight to get it to full metal to metal contact. (industry standard is minimum of 2.5g) The exhaust ran under the car but tight against the chassis and that could easily be grounded out over speed bumps with two pie eaters on board :-))))

Comment by Dave Adams on December 6, 2012 at 11:12
I do know of one member with a 1300 xflow in a b-type who is going to extreme lengths to get his car below 500kg and is stuck at 530ish.
Comment by Dave Adams on December 6, 2012 at 11:08
I would recon an S1/2 at about 670-750kg depending on spec to be typical weight i believe nick chick‘s car weighed in at the lower end of that figure and he has a pinto in his as well.
Comment by Dave Adams on December 6, 2012 at 11:04
AAlso car was “fully dressed“ with spare wheel, tools etc.
Comment by Dave Adams on December 6, 2012 at 11:01
It bottoms out at the rear! Not the fronts.
Comment by Dave Adams on December 6, 2012 at 11:00
225‘s don't seem too soft esp. where dutton recommended 180‘s shortened to give about 200 equivalent (the standard triumph springs)
My car as i said is firm and it has just over 4“ clearance under the sump. it has never grounded either. but i will admit the car two-up and loaded will occasionally bottom out on bumps and could use a bit more spring tension.
my car at 770kg was with me in it. i am about 80-85kg. it was weighed on an axle weigh bridge used by VOSA.
Comment by Big Vern on December 6, 2012 at 10:13

Should have looked up my own notes on this before posting. For INfo: Melos motion ratio = 0.744  and Phaeton S1 = 0.850

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