
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Been playing in the shed for a while, following on from Ade's Sierra I'm going the Pinto route. Finally got all the parts and ready to start. Just tried it loosely all together and it appears to fit, phew, its a big old lump, I can hardly lift it back onto blocks. Anyway measurements all taken and need to make up a gearbox crossmember and move a few bits around. Dave Adams has pre warned me about the starter motor. So I'll leave that until all is settled in the car. Ah, the car, I am tempted to remove the whole front body work and make it into a flip front. Still out on that decision. Need new doors or a lot of fabricating, Its gonna be a long winter. Oh, and it may get a different set up in the back axle, minimum 5 link or the old jag back axle wot sit.

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Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 9, 2015 at 11:16

this will bring a smile or two: http://i.imgur.com/ZMOhZEF.gifv

Comment by Steve Kerswell on October 9, 2015 at 9:26

Many thanks to Nick Carlin, another few pieces of the Sierra build in place. Chassis mods start next week, body off week after, roof off, front off, shall I go on? Oh and doors no longer a requirement.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on September 8, 2015 at 19:52

Just torque down the head, that was the easy part, then it came to the 90 degrees bit. Dragging the engine around the garage on the end of a breaker bar, easier trying to catch George !!

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 10, 2015 at 19:32

Engine in bits, going down for pickling tomorrow. Shocked at the gunge I found in hidden corners. Good news is that the crank is standard, give it a polish with the leather strap. Pistons are tight. valves are dribbling pass on 1 and 4 cylinder, quick regrind and a bit of a port polish, throw it back together and let the fun commence, getting it all in under the Sierra, gearbox tunnel looks doomed :-))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 9, 2015 at 9:34

Unfortunately it's not mine, it's going in a hot rod, I needed it to mock up the engine mounts and gearbox detachable crossmember. It will go back in a few days :-((

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 9, 2015 at 9:22


Comment by James Doulton on August 9, 2015 at 9:21

Is that the replacement engine for my Legerra that you are storing for me?

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 8, 2015 at 20:44

its all smoke and mirrors James. The gearbox came out of a Cosworth Sierra, so its going back into a Sierra, but a far lighter one, so I'm half way to being a Cossie Sierra, of course I could go a bit further and fit the other half,its just laid in the garage awaiting a project. Could be interesting.

Comment by James Doulton on August 8, 2015 at 20:26

Ah ha, that is the sport exhaust manifold with two down pipes. With the Sierra only being a little heavier than the Legerra, then it should go pretty well. My Rickman is heavier than a Sierra but I still got 0-60 in 9.8 with a 2Litre Pinto. After that then the aerodynamics start to make a real difference and the Ranger is all out at 90mph. I reckon you should be able to get 95mph out of your Sierra as it is quite a lot smoother shaped than the Rickman.

Comment by Steve Kerswell on August 8, 2015 at 16:02

Oh, you may laugh, we'll see. :-))

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