
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

on my way home from work last night at 20:00 i managed to tear some muscles in my rt leg and it hurts like billy-o.....getting into the Phaeton is just not possible neither is getting  into my wife's Fiat Sciento, just way too painful.

the Hyundai was just about do-able to get me to casualty, but even getting out of bed was a struggle. 

to top it all we told our neighbour that they had some loose concrete hanging off the chimney, and they called a roofer to come and sort it. turns out the shared chimney capping was in a very poor state and was only being held up by the TV aerial .........so we had to help pay for the repairs, £150 each. in a small way its good that i was at home or the job would have been put on hold, i watched the guys sort the problem and a slight touch on the capping brought some hefty bits down breaking some of the tiles, but they were able to catch the bigger bits.

so i am off sick just now and i dont know for how long, and it just might disrupt my picking up of the Legerra on Monday.

life can be a real bummer sometimes.

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Comment by Dave Adams on July 13, 2013 at 15:05
I will take what blacksmiths drills you have.......if tjere ok ;-)
Comment by Dave Adams on July 13, 2013 at 14:30
Steve i would like a selection of blacksmiths drills in sizes 13-30 mm if you have some.
Comment by Dave Adams on July 13, 2013 at 13:10

depends.....new engine crane, mig welder soon to be kept company by a tig welder more spanners and sockets than i am able to physically carry

Comment by Dave Adams on July 13, 2013 at 10:47

I knew you would turn out to be a good mate, dont suppose you would look after my tools as well would you? ;-)

Comment by James Doulton on July 12, 2013 at 21:27

That is a real bummer, Dave. I'm not sure how quickly it can be expected to mend but sometimes just a couple of days can see you through the worst of it.

Comment by Dave Adams on July 12, 2013 at 12:53

well......it is very painful today to move about but the car needs moving, preferably up to Hull i am exploring options.

one thing that might help is for the car to be looked over by some one local to it to basically to confirm it is as described on ebay. then i could pay the balance and get it transported...not a great option as it will cost. there is a possibility that a brother in law may be able to drive it back ...its a slim prospect, but i am clutching at straws.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on July 12, 2013 at 12:17

Tha' needs to talk to our mr Hayward as he would be closer than anyone else to your target vehicle.


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