
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hello my English friends,


some news from the german dutton-club.

On this link  may meeting Kevelaer 2011


you can watch some photos taken by our meeting at 2011th

The pictures were taken from our Hermann Johanning (Merlin owner).





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Comment by Dave Adams on June 4, 2011 at 6:04

It is my intention to organise a proper trip to Kevelaer next year, my plan is to go via Harwich to Rotterdam and drive to the German DOC annual get together. (it was my intention to go this year but my 12 weeks off sick last September to November wiped out my savings)

The Harwich ferry's are about £50 each way when booked well in advance , and it would be really good to make an effort to go to their do. A good show from the UK owners would be a great. They (the German OC) thanks to Kalle who organises their annual event have a large turn out of various Duttons and other Kit cars (mostly Duttons) they lay on a barbecue, lots of beer, a live band, a day trip out, and the whole atmosphere of the event is very good. Did i mention the beer?

If I can get some firm commitments from the membership so i can book the ferry and if necessary some accommodation. (we might be able to camp out.......or not, the year i went it was cold, this year was quite warm apparently)   I will sort the finer details and book stuff. Especially as technically it's my job to do so for the next year anyway.


To give you some sort of idea about the mileages involved, it is about 120 miles from Rotterdam to Kevelaer, the drive from say Manchester to Harwich is probably Further.

Comment by Tom Ger_Phaeton S2 on June 4, 2011 at 5:55

Hi Dave,

the may meeting is always on top. In the last two meetings we have a verry fine Rock Band on Saturday night. "Saturday night fever"  ;-)

The meeting begins on Friday midday. The first owner come, so we have the first party on Friday.

Saturday morning we start us dutton rally.

The teams start between 10:00 AM to 12:00 o`clock.

These teams have to pass several stations and perform tasks. 

In the end from the rally the winner is evaluated and awarded trophies.

Each year, honors the best cars. 

In the category of the most

beautiful car, original art Dutton, the longest journey, 

the best conversion and for one another and sometimes even longer for the building. ;-)))

After the trophies, we have a big barbecue and the party is going on.

Sunday morning, after breakfast, cleaned up together, drink coffee and say goodbye to all at noon.




Comment by Dave Taylor on June 3, 2011 at 23:13
Hi Tom, What a brilliant turn out, and well organised. You Guys have some serious and well put together cars.

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