
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

In early January 2010, my Dutton Phaeton final arrived. As I helped to unload the car, I closely looked at my new purchase, it was great in my eyes. However when my wife arrive room and found a car with siezed wheels stuck at the bottom of the drive. I think her words were "It's a hunk of junk". My young daughter said "my car". My wife then said Daddy might just have it finished by the time you eighteen" (at that time she was two years old). Well to date progress has been limited and briefly comprises of -

- Freed off siezed front wheels

- Wire brushed front chassis

- Bought a 3.0 V6 engine advertised as Transit 3.0 engine & box, would now appear to be a MK4 Zodiac engine

- Bought dash clocks for V6

- Bought rear shocks

- Bought GT6 front springs

- Bought a battery

- Bought another V6 (well it was only £60, so I couldn't resist)

- Bought a welded diff

- Bought a set of planet gears etc

- Bought Fiesta MK3 steering column

- Bought Momo wheel

- Bought steering wheel boss

- Compression tested first V6 engine, 150 psi in 1No cylinder, 125 psi in 4No cylinders and 75 psi in 1No cylinder

- Bought engine gasket set

- Bought Weber 40DFA1 carb

- Bought engine mounts

- Bought Capri wiring loom

- Bought rear drums and shoes

- Bought 2No 205 60 13 tyres

- Bought hub adpaters for Triumph to Ford wheels

- Removed 1 No cylinder head to inspect worst cylinder, all looks well, suspect loose head gasket and valve problems.

- Bought reground V6 crankshaft

- Bought a pair of NOS cylinder heads

- Bought Triumph Herald discs

I think it is time I did some work and stop buying parts. But currently tied down with domestic decorating tasks. May get chance to strip the other head next weekend. Currently watching another engine on eBay. I must stop buying and start working on the car.

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Comment by Dave Adams on November 17, 2010 at 17:23
got mine a a rolling shell in bits and a different colour in march 07 and had it on the road in may 07 much as it looks now, best of luck mate.
Comment by Dave Price on November 17, 2010 at 12:38
I have some head gaskets and inlet gasket. But may be interested in "some other stuff lying around" depending on what it is. Always looking for spares and bargains
Comment by Adrian Southgate on November 16, 2010 at 22:25
Oh that all sounds so familiar.
Got mine delivered as a rolling shell and 'some bits' August 2006, started feb 2007, mot sept 1st 2007, never looked back.
The other Legerra I've had since 2003 and never lifted a spanner to it unless it was to rob parts off...

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