
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Sierra is getting closer, we could do with a weeks worth of good weather, and we'll turn the corner. James ordered to Poly bushes for the front end yesterday on E-bay from Flo-Flex, and they where delivered by 10 am this morning, now that service!!

We picked up an exhaust box at Stafford last week 2" in Twin 2" out, so exhaust will exit from both sides just in front of the rear wheels. Now looking for X-flow exhaust manifold 4-2-1

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Comment by Dave Taylor on October 4, 2010 at 20:42
Ade, can you dig out the wiring loom for Thursday please?
Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 30, 2010 at 22:36
Mk2/3 quad setup Dave?
Comment by Dave Taylor on September 30, 2010 at 21:01
Well thought I would sort the shed, and find all the bits that James stripped off the Sierra. Easier said than done, there was stuff all over the place. I ended up cleaning the shed out, got everything out and guess what? yes it rained, RANT WARNING!!! if this is global warming we need to promote coal fires, gas guzzling V8's in every car... RANT OVER!!!
Anyway I have now found most of the parts, we must be doing well I am being allowed to store fragile stuff on top of the Kitchen units, I have my own corner in the kitchen to keep all the tools and parts being reconditioned, in fact there is Sierra bit all over the house.
I had a pair of headlamps given to me yesterday by a mate in Durham, which where off a capri, I had choice of 4, so picked out a pair. Then the mate giving me them said swap the rusty bowl for this clean one, It wasn't till I got home and took the boxes out of the car that I realised he had given me the same hand, and that they where off a Granada Mk2. I rang him this morning, and he said Oh dear they were surposed to be Capri, those are his Bosses spare lamp off his Granada can I take them back next time I am up in Durham. I checked them out on E-bay, and they are listed a starting price £100 each. Opps.
Looks like we are going to go for Capri Mk3 twin lamps again, easiest to mod and fit.
Comment by Dave Taylor on September 30, 2010 at 20:39
Mike, sorry to hear about the accident, hope you weren't to badly injured.

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