So, MOT sorted by the skin of its teeth, loads to do before tomorrow morning, panic has set it due to a little mishap with the pedal box...
How many of you fitted metal spreader plates between the pedal box and the bulkhead? Here is something for those of you with pinto engines to think about.
I didn't see this coming 8 years ago when I re built it... The holes are supposed to be there... the crack around the edge is not.
Seems the proximity to the manifold has weakened the fibreglass of the tub a little
Well a lot actually :)
A metal spreader plate on the inside would have eased the load on the area and this may not have been quite so severe. This is going to be a fun evening..
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Well done all, thanks for the report Ade.
Minor update.
Awesome weekend blatting along Hadrians Wall and terrorising sheep with my fellow Duttoneers.
Slightly marred by the departure of the bottom hinge on the drivers door of the legerra. Doesn't seem to have any ill effects when closed but it drops a lot when its opened.
Got a lot more to add in once the video's are edited, in the mean time here's a photo.
Had to nick the wheels off Project X due to some sidewall cracks in one tyre just before the MOT. Only discovered these after doing the 124 miles each way excursion to Stoneleigh which was a little worrying. Turns out no one keeps 195/55/14 T1-R's local to me so had to improvise with these. I might keep them on for a while.
A side shot taken by Sue seems that the front wheel isn't a square in the arch as I thought, subsequent measuring with a biro proved this to be an optical illusion and 5 degrees of left lock :( The modifications made to the front ARB mounts have held all weekend with no issues, improved driveability and stability round corners. I'd be happy to pass on the very simple design to anyone experiencing 'odd wheelbase length' issues as it will fit Legerra, Phaeton and Melos.
Well, that was an interesting weekend of blatting and driving blindfold...
Amongst the ND's I had a rep for being the last to arrive at our tour drives so this time car is fully fettled and packed for a 7am start from our's and a 7.30 meet at Rivington Services just up the M61. Saturday arrives and it's tipping down, not exactly perfect for a car with very little ventilation. Arriving at about 7.20 to find I am the first into the car park - Sue went shopping. Finally got all the cars together about 7.45 and off we set for the short run up the M61 to Chorley then off into the A and B roads for the weekend. A short stop with a hearty breakfast joined us up with Mr and Mrs Taylor so off we set into the wilds (and wets) of Yorkshire.
Lunch was at the Tan Hill Inn on the moors, windiest place I have ever been and evidently the highest public house in the UK... By this time the wind had blown away all the rain and some cobwebs so off came the roof and off we go down the other side. There will be some long videos up on you tube soon and I will add links.
After frightening ourselves, some cyclists, a couple of walkers and a few sheep (some Hooniganism may have been involved in our descent) we stopped at the big cheese factory where they make Wensleydale (more cheese Grommit)
More sedate Hooniganism followed ending up with our overnight stop at the Wellington in Darley. Very nice place but a tad warm ...
Well fed and well knackered it was off to bed.
Sunday morning and we were all wondering what the mystery challenge was going to be. A sedately paced test of driving skill and co driver communication skills - cone driving blindfold... A thoroughly good grin. Well done to Mr Kerry for making it look easier than it was.
Short coffee break and off back to Settle for a leg stretch round the town, more coffee and crumpets, a fill up for the Leggy, parted company with Mr and Mrs Taylor and off we go again over the moors. Now there is a hill on the other side that produced an Ohh Err moment as it must be 2 miles long, straight but deceptively bumpy. Take some of those little bumps too quick and its a bit of a drop off the side... 600M above sea level according to the GPS (not to be trusted evidently). Good drive though spoiled by a focus driver doing 10mph for the last half mile.The whole return leg from Settle was done in one go, all the way back to Rivington Services, 268 miles on the odometer, bonnet never got opened once which is a first for my car.
Very impressed with the Toyo T1-R's I had fitted a while ago, very grippy lumps of rubber them.
Leggy is now back in the car port for a few days rest before I do yet more fettling just to iron out a few more minor niggles.
Thanks to one and all for a nice weekend, much grinning and especially to Martin and Karen for the sunday morning challenge.
Bring on the next one. :)
Done. It was the other side (O/S) that had snapped this time. Not a clean break like the n/s one. Odd when you clean off all the copperslip and dirt that the metal under it had a brassy colour to it, like brazing :( anyway, welded up, ground flat, re-fitted and adjusted = handbrake working. Radio is playing up, keeps cutting out when I flash my headlights, reckon its a dodgy earth so may get to play with that tomorrow. Might even get to give it a wash...
Well done Ade. get it sorted before that early start Saturday
Cheers Steve. You'd be proud, evidently I just taught myself to plug weld by accident.
Made some new ARB to chassis mounts, after not having much luck fixing the last attempt on, decided the best was was to drill some holes in the plates and make like spot welds inside onto the old chassis leg.
Bad news though, handbrake has gone very loose on the way home so going back under after tea for another look. If its the same bit failed again then its off to the unit to see if I have a spare as I can't make it thicker or it won't fit through the slot in the back plate. Don't think it's the lever or the new cable so that only leaves the cross rod which is also unlikely or the actuator arm which is what I had to repair this morning. Hope mk1 and mk2 bits are the same, if so its an easy fix.
Well done Ade,
MOT - oops only a bit later than planned. Moved all the cars round to get the leggy out of the drive, top of the drive and TWANG no handbrake. Much cursing followed.Then some taking apart, welding and putting back together- fixed. MOT passed again. Much happy motoring with silly grin will follow.
I have sets of adjusters, degreased, disassembled and ready for some oil dipping when I get around to it, currently got three complete sets of 8 inch drums and back plates + one still on a car.
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