
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

stopping competition.....in which i came second.

I have just pranged my car !.....! Ironically involveing an ambulance who was over taking on a blind bend with solid white lines i slammed on the brakes and swerved onto the grass bank and just caught the guy in front on my O/S to his N/S. bonnet is not in great condition now , o/s chassis is bent. All is repairable but bum bum bum.

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Comment by Dave Adams on August 21, 2012 at 9:38
Mike better brakes were a consideration......however i locked the brakes trying to stop anyway and you don't get better than that.
Comment by Dave Adams on August 21, 2012 at 9:34
Mine is a series 1.
Mike is going to lend me his trailer :) ;)
Car is currently in farmers yard behind a hedge out side of Stickney, Boston.
Comment by Big Vern on August 21, 2012 at 0:31

"Oh and go and get your car back, much easier to argue the toss with it in your garage, and not stripped in some storeage yard." 

Exactly my point, go get it tomorrow Dave while there's still some of it left!, if its being stored properly then it should still be complete but could be costing £100 per day, if its in a yard then it won't be covered up so the rain etc will be getting at it and who ever else fancies some parts.

Comment by Dave Taylor on August 20, 2012 at 23:29

Police vehicles, Ambulance's and Fire engines are Crown vehicles and exempt from Insurance cover and Taxation, if it is proved the Ambulance was at fault (even with Blues & Two's on the driver as a duty of care to other road users) the ambulance service will settle any cost incurred very quickly. These vehicle only display a tax disc to appease the public especlially the Police who will stop you for not displaying a tax disc, but they do nt need to display one.

Like Ade say's you need to contact the Ambulance service they were probably running video camera in the vehicle.

Oh and go and get your car back, much easier to argue the toss with it in your garage, and not stripped in some storeage yard.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on August 20, 2012 at 22:10

Dave doesn't need the details as ambulance control for that area should know precisely who and why. As for apportioning blame it all depends on the road, conditions, angles of visibility, relative speed of vehicles etc. 

Where is the car now Dave?

Comment by Dave Adams on August 20, 2012 at 21:25
Old bill said that it doesn't sound like my fault they are going to confirm details with witnesses and lincoln ambulance service.
i am still up for some sort of lottery syndicate. ...... ;-) :-)
Comment by Big Vern on August 20, 2012 at 20:30

No mike, the ambulance was coming the other way on the wrong side over solid white lines, deffo the other drivers fault!

Comment by Big Vern on August 20, 2012 at 20:01

My Mates tiger was writen off as I said earlier with no more damage than Dave has, so that blows your theory out Marc :-)))  As I said it all depends on how the other sides insurance wants to deal.

Best thing Dave can do is to go and get the car back even if it costs him. Its still his car so he's entitled to keep it. If the other sides insurance doesn't want to play ball then Dave still has the option not to progress the claim and keep the car. The longer it stays in storage the more he has to pay to get it back so act as soon as possible, some places charge £100 per day :-0

Comment by Big Vern on August 20, 2012 at 18:52

Yes, but thats irrelevent if you have to claim from the other (guilty) party, you are at the mercy of their insurance, if they don't want to play ball then they'll write it off regardless of you specialist policy, all you can do is to claim from your policy and hope they can recover something from the other side, but you'll lose min 2 years no claims for sure.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on August 20, 2012 at 16:25

Mike Snelson is in that area and I am sure he has a landy and a trailer.

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