
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I have often thought that my Legerra looks best from the rear, mainly because of the frogeye headlamps. So I have doodled on this picture of Richard's Legerra. What do people think? Is there a minimum size for headlights? Will they be too low for the law?

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Oi!! doodle on your own car :)))) Actually that doesn't look too bad though they need a Perspex fairing, I'd have something that wrapped around the edge a bit I think. If I ever do change the front it will be with pop up headlights.

You can buy a full set of four little projector headlights from Car Builder Solutions or you could nick them from a Ford Puma but those are really awful at night.

Sorry, Richard. It looks like the guy in the Triumph was wondering what I was doing as I hacked the front of your car.

500mm from centre of headlights to road level is minimum height...no minimum size or wattage only beam pattern on dip. Cars registered after about 1983 (I can check) can only have 2 dips and 4 main beams....
Mind you that does look good......along the same lines as my thoughts. .......

Perhaps something like Quantums have

Here you go James. not cheap but they'd do the job



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