
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Hi All  ,  Every time I walk towards the front of my Melos  I feel sick    lol.          ..... ..   I hate the sight of the stupid camber angle of the n,s ,f wheel   it has way too much neg camber. I know I could buy adjustable tca "BUT not at over £100 "  !!!!   So I was thinking of  slotting the hole in the bottom of the chassis and using a eccentric washer to adjust ( as on many modern rears eg.BMW) any one else tried this ?

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Well I see that plenty of people have looked at my question but still no replies , so I thought sod it I'll have a go :0)  .     Have now gone from N S F 5.3degrees neg to 1.5  and O S F 3.2degrees to 1.2  or there abouts as the app on my stupid phone tells me  . I have set the tracking to 2mm tow in by string and tape measure  . Took car out for a try down the local backroads , and WOW  what a difference   No more all over the road handling ;;;lighter steering;;;; brakes that pull up straight and a car that actualy stands with both wheels looking even!!!!!!    Now to tackle the roof lifting prob  .

I'm glad that it worked out. Was it a difficult job? Any chance of any pictures?

Hi James, I wasn't difficult ,I just took the tca bolt out and with the arm levered out of the way I made the 3/8" hole in to a slot about 20mm long (with a file and a dremel) .I then made some 40mm offset washers and put it all back together , with a blob of weld on the chassis when you turn the washer it pushes the bolt along the slot , when in the place you want it just tighten the bolt back up. I have put a few paint marks on things to check if anything moves ,Went for a 100mile run yesterday and all still seems fine.   :)

Hi All,  Just a quick up date on CAMBER  / TRACKING ADJUSTMENT .    I have no special tool or electronic gizmo's so after slotting the lower TCA bolt hole I  set the tracking to slightly tow in the best I could by measuring the distance and marking a piece of string. Then I coloured the tread on both tyres with some crayon. I then drove the car half a mile up the road stopped and looked at tyres to see where the crayon had worn off. I did this a few times un till the crayon was wearing off evenly  . I have now done 1000 miles since and I am very happy with the even wear and wheel angle. :0)


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