Nick, look into my eyes, not round , but into, now repeat after me, i want a melos, i want a melos see, it wasnt that bad, be part of the future, the noddy future, tell you what paint it black , line it in gold, call it Noddy 2 :))))))
all joking apart, they do grow on you, they stand out apart from the rest of the 7 clones, and will be a good addition to your pheation, but what ever you do, dont park them to close together, or wash them after midnight strange things happen when you do
well upto now i have refriend from putting it on ebay for the locost builders ,,, but since the DOC seam to want to say what should be this n, that, then fall out amongst them selves
why should i hold on to it just incase
i must admit that a member on here has totally ,rattled, my cage by thinkin he is entitled to every thing dutton for next to nowt because he is a DOC member ,,and he started this near three years ago, for me he has one handed ,f@''ed the DOC up ,,,,,, he knows who he is,,,,,
thats why so many people a dealers are killing ,duttons,,
i have held of and done my upmost to save (at some personal expense and loss) to save what i could but to no thanks at all
now what i have will all be sold ,,bar my own car,, to who ever wants it
well thats about it it may answer some questions
good bye
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