
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I've just seen the 5 page article in August's Complete Kit Car entitled "Phaeton Attraction". It features an orange car owned by a Geoff Taylor. According to CKC it is "one of the very tidiest examples". It is all good advertising but a pity that there is no DOC sticker to be seen or mention of the club for readers interested in a similar car.

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Hi James have just been reading your comment on my Dutton Phaeton appearing in Complete kit car . And from your comment it sounds like it was upsetting for you .Can I just clear a few things up about the article in the magazine my son had the Dutton over at stoneleigh 2014 show and on his return to the car he found a calling card asking if they could do an article on the Dutton we all thought it was a joke .I also emailed the magazine with photos of the car thinking it was a wind up but as you noticed it did appear in Complete kit car and as you are right to point it does not show a Doc sticker and never has done I did not think it was compulsory . As for no mention of the club they spotted it on the club stand at stoneleigh and we did discuss that but they got a few things wrong in there write up and I can only apologise if it seemed a bit one sided
Regards Geoff Taylor

No problem, Geoff. I was very pleased to see your car in the magazine. It is a very nice car and it is a really eye catching colour. Any article that promotes Duttons is good.

I was a bit disappointed that there was no mention of the DOC, which could do with a plug. I thought that the lack of a DOC sticker meant that the car didn't belong to a member, which would also be disappointing because a car that looks that good must have a dedicated owner, so what a pity that he doesn't feel that the DOC is worth joining. I was also disappointed that the DOC doesn't seem to achieve much in the press when the press are obviously willing to publish pictures of Duttons.

But in the end it was just that the magazine missed the reference to the club!


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