
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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you got a price for the re-skin on the wheels Adrian?

i still cannot decide which boss to use ....the ford one or the modified triumph one.

but all of my wheels need some attention......a nice red leather wheel could be an idea.

Switches.........decided to use miniature single pole switches, so relays needed.

For every function!

They look neat....but it's one for on/off and one for hi/low ......

The big button is for my washers......

Top two switches are wipers on....and hi/low.

Then washer's .

Then heater on + hi/low

Then....sides on and dip/ mains on....the dip switch on the steering column will select function.

My log book is now all correct....engine number and chassis number all finalised....last registered keeper Rob Saul!

You could have saved me years of grief Rob had you just updated DVLA when you sold the car a few years ago..........!

Jesus my memory must be getting bad !
Don't remember selling you a car even !
An both the s1,s I have owned are still in my possession ???

TTW 770 R

Has a (or had....) a BT*** chassis number. (Number is obviously known to me....but the car had two chassis numbers.......) the other was P****. I knew the car was a phaeton. DVLA had no record of the P**** chassis number. But the reg number on the car matched the old chassis plate in the boot with a pile of crap.

I was lucky to find the chassis plate.......heavily corroded and difficult to read but had I not had it the car was looking like an IVA candidate. ...and a new Q plate. ....

DVLA asked for car to be indipendantly inspected and he recommended the chassis plate to be destroyed the chassis number to be deleted from data Base and the chassis number on the car to be retained. He could see that the number plates on the car were old and obviously original to the car. They accepted the cars details were in common with many kits of the period incorrectly recorded.

Well I still don't remember selling you a car so where did you get it ?
Both s1 an a b type wouldn't have chassis plates so I presume it was a home made one
Never seen a b type or b+ be listed as a bt ?

It's not unheard off for a Dutton to have a chassis number from a different model. ...melos numbers on phaetons Sierra on melos. ... so a B type on a phaeton is OK. ...only it's now got a phaeton number on a phaeton. .....at DVLA insistence. ...so everything is sorted....after 4 years!

Other point is did you buy it as a registers carb? Or a car with no paperwork. ?

The chassis plate was about the same size as a dutton one but much thinner.....it also looked like it was prized off something a bit torn and very bent.

Originally it was to get an age related number once inspected and then recommissioned however due to the length of time to do it (2012) the rules changed.....DVLA then said it may need an IVA and reinspecting. ....the club only had the registration on file and it's phaeton chassis number but not in the same records and under different names....DVLA started to apply thumbscrews so I went through all my cap that came with car and offered the number on scrappy ally plate. They said it matched records and then said I could keep original reg.  Then log book arrived and your last keeper.

I bought it from a guy in Heathrow who got it from "someone out Essex way" a few years ago as a project with a brand new lancia 2.0 in it. DVLA tell me you aquire the car in 1999 and also changed the colour from blue to red. The car was red when I got it and also had number plates on it.


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