
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I am looking to improve the suspension on my car and need it weighing, I have done this before but i needed it a little more accurately weighed. For those who dont know I have an S1 with a 2.0L pinto, spare wheel carrier (also doubles as a tow bar when not used for the spare) and the car has a heater fitted.


I put it across the VOSA axle weigh bridge on the docks near where i live, these are very accurate.


They came out as;

me in the car.....front axle 320kg

                        Rear axle 460kg


just the car........Front axle 300kg

                         Rear axle 410kg


It is worth noting that i had a boot with about 10kg of steel in it for my next project and my laptop in it so i think we can deduct the 10kg from the rear axle.


the distribution works out at about 43% front 57% rear.....not to bad.

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The spare wheel on the rear of the car with all its tow bar frame work is a considerable weight and with out this on the car the weights would be much closer to 50/50

thinking about it that is close to 1000lb on the rear springs, or 500 a side or about 3" or so at 150lb/in......
I am making a coil spring tester, because I have now 4 sets of coil overs only one of which I know the rate of.
If it works ok I should be able to lend it out or bring it to some shows.
i dont no about each axle but my car at mot witch is a phaeton 3 i think and a 1600 crossflow waighed 640kg with me in it all together


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