
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

March 2010 Blog Posts (9)

Steve's Dutton

Just called at Steve K's to see what progress as been made, and he's been very busy. Front suspensions on, rear's coming together. Looking good, not long before another Phaeton takes to the road.

Added by Dave Taylor on March 28, 2010 at 20:39 — 5 Comments


I checked the gearbox and diff oil levels this evening, they were OK. So run the car while up on axle stands, and think the transmission noise is from the front main gearbox bearing, the noise is worse when in 3rd gear and under load. It doesn't jump out of gear, so I think I'm going to chance it for the Lakes tour and Stoneleigh. There's always Mr RAC.

Also put the new battery on, so now I can take her off life support from the RAV4.

Added by Dave Taylor on March 25, 2010 at 21:07 — 2 Comments

Finally got the roll bar cover fitted

I finally managed to get the roll bar cover fitted, took a bit of cutting and choping, but it's on. I wanted to fit the high level brake light, but I had put then LED PCB somewhere safe, and so safe i could not find it, well not until I had put all the tools away, and covered the car up, now I found it in the safe place.

Added by Dave Taylor on March 21, 2010 at 17:10 — 2 Comments

I Got my Weber's

Finally picked up a pair of webers, to go on the 1700. They are a bit untidy, couple of bits missing but little used. Plan is to rebuild them a long with the engine. Now need a manifold.

Added by Dave Taylor on March 20, 2010 at 19:04 — No Comments

Mother's Day Treat

Picked up my Mother in the Dutton today, for a Mother's Day treat. Pushed her in legs akimbo, well she is 82 as she tell everyone she meets. Onto the Motorway, 60, 70, 80 Oh and we're low flying now,

Silence from the passenger.

20 miles on, and leave the motorway and hit the country lanes, hard into the bends, Oh we're pushing hard now, still silence from my passenger.

Long straight in front down to hump back bridge, AIRBORNE, and there it is after all these miles as a…


Added by Dave Taylor on March 14, 2010 at 17:53 — No Comments

How good's that LOTUS back in F1

But they copied my colour scheme.

Added by Dave Taylor on March 13, 2010 at 21:32 — No Comments

More life found in Dutton!

Another 2 jobs done, and I have found our pet spider living in the bottom of the battery compartment, she's lived down there for the last few years. Everytime I lefted the bonnet there was always a web across the cables. she as now been evicted, and with less weight Daisy could be quicker off the mark.

Any way back to the job's list.

I have managed to sort the wiring out for the spot lamps these have not been connected since the small loom fire back when I replace the engine…


Added by Dave Taylor on March 13, 2010 at 19:06 — No Comments

Alien life form found in Dutton

Well it looked like something from another planet, or perhaps it where life on earth started, in a Dutton washer bottle.

& years of filth built up in the bottle, and grown all the way up the outlet pipe. I can tell you something it doesn't taste nice at all. Manage the to blow the pipe through with the jets removed, and I have washers again.

Added by Dave Taylor on March 7, 2010 at 16:00 — No Comments

Who are Ya?

I was on the M62 East bound this morning, and in front of me was a Black Phaeton I think S3 with a long hard top. Don't think your on here but maybe somebody knows you. I blow the horn and waved, (probably he thought who's this nutter in the Rav 4) He pulled off onto the A627M towards Oldham/Rochdale at 09:05am

Added by Dave Taylor on March 1, 2010 at 19:30 — No Comments

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