
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Nothing to read here!!!

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OMG! it's boring not having anything to read

Recon our postmen have nabbed our copies Dave, to read at tea time !!!

Paul, we even got rid of the dog so my copy of DT wouldn't get chewed up.

I could have written every copy in long hand and drawn all the pictures, checked all addresses in my sat nav and then hand delivered every one in the time it's taken to get this copy out.

Well, the only person to blame for the delay is me and i'm beginning to work out how caeser felt...

The only people who have received the mags are up to date with payments. People who have had to be reminded are still pending and people who have not paid after that will be removed from the mailing list.

In fact... short delay...here is the body of text from the email.

As some of you are well aware I have been behind with the memberships this year and I would like to apologise for this.

Due to various reasons things haven’t gone as smoothly as anyone in the club would have liked them to go. With the completion of this round of renewal reminders I will be back on track and once the magazines have been sent out we, as a club, will be ‘up to date’. I expect that the magazines will be sent in the next few days, as soon as the printer receives the address labels. 

To complete payment by paypal please use this link. 

To remove yourself from the club mailing list please reply to the email and change the subject of the email to STOP and I will remove you from the mailing list. 

Should you receive this email more than once please contact me on the above address and I will investigate. 

If you have paid at a show during the course of 2013 please let me know who you paid and at which show. 

If you have any questions or queries please contact me.

Thanks for your patience and also for continuing to support the Dutton Owners Club.



Of course that all works fine until the email server goes 'phut' and won't send or receive emails. :-(

Due to circumstances beyond my control the DOC email appears to be 'undergoing an upgrade' and has been offline for a week now. All the reminders I sent out by email are lost in the ether, they have gone from my computer but only 10 or 12 people have payed.

For the first time since I have been doing mem sec I decided to be an arse and only send the labels for the fully paid up members, lo and behold the email server screws up and i don't have a clue who has renewed without going into the paypal account and doing them manually... which defeats the whole point of the system I put in place.

There is no short way of explaining it Daryl, I've cut it down as much of the faff as i can.

If you havent received a mag by saturday check to see if you've paid me since september / october last year. I downloaded all the paypal statements but it takes a while to go through and check everyone.

Postman! Postman! is coming down the street, he's coming to the door, YES! YES!


it's the gas bill :-( 

Did you spot the odd typo?........
A whole page repeated :'(
Oh and a decimal place out on one of the treasurers report giving a ballance 10 times more than it should.......oooops
I did do it in a hurry :-)

now that is wierd as my test copy did get one....it was the centre pages....

I still don't have a copy and as far as I know I am paid up.
Dave Adams has offered me some old copies as a consolidation though.


I'll be in touch this evening as yours should have arrived.



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