
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

So, I wrote a very scary list earlier... things to do while Sues away this weekend... 

Here's the top ten in order of GOT TO DO or else...

Sierra - Gearbox rear oil seal - I have the seal, just got to get under the car and fit it.

Sierra - Head Gasket - I have the kit including nice new shorter bolts.

Sierra - Wheel bearings, had the kit for ages, too damn busy.

Sierra - Back door shut, needs glassing to keep the snow out.

Sierra - Fit my nice new window (thanks Mr K)

Sierra - Wire up the rest of the dash and fit a switch panel

Sierra - make aforementioned switch panel and something to fix it too

Legerra - put 'dry fuel' in tank before starting it up and moving it so I can...

Play shuffle truck with all the cars, trailer and ...

Move some crap out of the garage.

I wonder what I'm going to do on Sunday?

Seriously though, if any of my fellow Lancastrians are bored I'll have the kettle on.

What's everybody else up to?

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It sounds like you will be very busy

Some of it is now reaching critical, seems i've dumped most of my gearbox oil on the underside of the car in a nice spray pattern...

Sue told me I couldn't tell you !!!!!!!!!!     PMSL   (sorry mate couldn't resist ;-))))

Sue is going to be at Donington, well the farm house hotel Donington, at a banquet no less.

Beans on toast in front of the TV for me...

Sunday......Update Members list.........;-)

For me, once i had had breakfast, very important that:) , its underneath the car, fit new starter, round to other side, fit fuel pump , fit inlet manifold ,carb, then wash up, if enough time go get some 6 mm fuel pipe,

then sunday, fit  return pipe to tank, 

butter up landlady , ask if she can sew up new soft top , all bits now cut out and ready to be joined together :)))

Result  landlady thinks she can,  so hopefully thats one thing taken care of, now, how do i fit the rear window? is it turned over and glued in? 

starter on, new pump on, everything else done, now a quick shower, and off to motor factors to get fuel pipe to hopefully do return pipe and the  pump to carb feed. i really must stop spending money :((

flipping heck, £33, for 5m of 6mm and 1m of 8mm petrol pipe, now have to go kick the cat, here kitty kitty

well i have now renewed the pump to carb line, it now runs down through the manifold, all nice easy curves, nothing kinked, other than me, that is lol.  just the return to tank to do now, looks like i ordered far too much  petrol pipe, looks like i have about 2m spare, any use to any of you? 

Update, unlike some on here, i have actually finished what i set out to do this week end,

return fuel pipe installed and secured to main pipe,  new petrol filter put in at tank end, so that the pump is protected,  pulled fuel through line, and primmed the pump, this one works yippee.

put new oil in engine before  spinning  engine over with plugs out , new starter certainly makes a difference. it spun twice as fast as the old one did, even with plugs out. fuel getting through to carb, throttle jet working ok,  

re fitted all  wires to coil and engine  warning sensors.

tomorrow is re working the throttle linkage  i need to make it sturdier so will add a brace from inlet manifold to stop it pulling forwards.  after that  top up the coolent and  check over the  timing to ensure its not moved then hopefully engine start up 

December renewals will indeed be processed tomorrow Dave. 

my mate Graham is still waiting for his.........

I'll look into that Dave as Graham should have had his at the same time the first batch was sent out.


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