
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

From 12pm tonight, there are 157 days until the National Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh, starting on Sunday 4th May 2014.

I now throw down the gauntlet to all who frequent this site ...... the challenge is :- if you own a Dutton, you must get to the show, driving your Dutton  under its own steam,  (some of you have MANY to choose from)

Its about time we showed the regulars who attend each year, in their cars, that we support them. So come on chaps, who is going and what will you be driving??

My Phaeton S2 will be there!!   (hope, prey and work harder) :-)

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in 2005 we had 53 cars, I think that was a record. lets try and beat it.

there is 150 ish bodies on here, 75 of those must be in the UK with running cars (or nearly). If a certain pair don't finish their builds in time they can drive my Sierra down as punishment.

Mr Kerry and Mr Nuttall - *points finger*

Now some of those are going to be 'out of range' and there will be others that aren't on here that will turn up on the day.

I don't know if I'm going to be in Derby or Bolton for the run up to Stoneleigh, kinda depends on Leggy being ready or rushed... :-)

I think that seeing as you spend as much time with it in bits as most Duttons then it gets honorary dutton status.

The prosecution rests m'lud.

Ha Ha, now theres a man after my own hart ....... wet weather gear in the boot ..  NAH .....FILL IT WITH  DRINK    :-)))

Your all a bunch of alcholics hic,  i love you, i really do hic, your my bestest friend ever, hic  now pass me another ****** beer   thats the beer sorted, now whos brining the barbi and no i dont mean the doll if your reading this heasman 

is that REAL devon cider??  you know the stuff that desolves the hardest  of metals  lets play a game , paint it on Daryls chest, see if it removes hair :))

126 Days to go !!!

108 DAYS TO GO     

so hows it going anyone got squeeky bum syndrome yet, the clocks ticking,  hopefully mines going in for mot in 2 weeks at least thats when its booked, got the exhaust in bits again, need to tighten down the flexi section   but other than that, i,m sure of meeting that date.

dried out joins steve?? one tried and tested  remidy for that, take one iron bath, tip in scrumpy  until 4" from the top light a fire underneath, warm through unit a temperature of 85degrees, or as hot as you can withstand, lay in it until  you get numb, thrn start to drink  said contents of  bath, it wont help your back, but it will take your mind of the pain.

I had resolved myself to being in the Sierra ages ago, its about time the old dear saw some mates again.

I've still not got the roof on the car port so cold concrete under the leggy :-( That may be a week off job before our spring tour (2nd year running ) not good.


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