Not long to go, before Santa pops down the chimney, I wonder what will be in my stocking this year?....... A leather Momo steering wheel, A set of NGK Iridium spark plugs, maybe even a set of 60mm fully chromed air trumpets for my throttle bodies....... Nah, I should be so lucky, will probably be the usual socks, choccies and a bottle of Glenlivet to warm the extremities, and lets face it, in these weather conditions, you need something to bring the feeling back as you work in the garage on your pride and joy!!!
So fill your glasses this Christmas and raise them in a salute, to the Duttoneers, each and every one of us, who work hard to keep the dream alive.
Have a very merry Christmas one and all.
All the best
1 candle power per side Steve, isnt that going to be an improvement?
Happy Christmas all
Ade n Sue.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO DUTTONEERS EVERYWHERE, Oh and their long suffering wives...
See how I did that mention the wives scores browny points.
oooh santa's been and left me £100 cash and instructions to get some thing for the did he know?
do you know there may be something in this santa thing, i may have to keep it secret, in fact forget i told you about this mysterious guy. :-)
Replied, Cheers Daryl.
My wife has found the thread about the kitchen and its (mis)uses. Just got home from a very long night welding up the Brittany Ferry (again) to find this in the drive. "If you are going to mistreat my kitchen I will mistreat your toy. TOY!
Could be having me christmas turkey out the garage, now renamed the dog house. Well thats another year over workwise for me, nice long break doing up the Dutton, and having a surf, unless the job centre phones!
Hey Dave do you like the lights, just spotted that, ha,ha
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