I have a show lined up for Sunday, B+ all fed and watered, let's hope the sun remains. Saturday is a mix of having to do some work (at work) and having to do more work ( at home) might a get a run out across the moors Saturday evening if it's fine. Dutton time :-))
someone phoned me and said there are a few Sierra on the bay. I'll have to go down and educate him :-))
Cracking good surf orientated weekend, plus a mega Chinese on Saturday night overlooking the beach. Been jumping off cliffs into the surf today (tombstoning) bloody mental, but those kids weren't going to beat me, now. Where is my Zimmer I'm cream crackers and need a kip. Oh, plus I got took for a ride in a fiat abrath 500, 165bhp. Certainly gets the adrenaline flowing Sat in the passenger seat with a young wench driving. :-))))
Pictures of the tombstoning please!!!! :-))))
steve your crazy :-)
hes a braver man than me buy far. or more crazy :-)
Couple of things to do yet before they nail the lid down, just got to be more careful now and pick my moments. :-)) @ Paul, I believe that there are a few piccies, watch this space :-))
Glorious day and a great run out in the B+ yesterday. Planned for a repeat today but I've crumbled a front disc pad ? Most of its still attached but I know I have a brand new set stored away in the dark recesses of the pile of crap, sorry, spares department. But I cannot find the bleeding things. Type 16, escort ones Saab ones, but no Triumph Herald ones. So I may have to wait for Rimmers :-(
Can get a set in tomorrow by 8.45am, be in the post by 12, get them to you by Wednesday if you want them. I've checked on ebay, I'm cheaper by £3 (ish) one bloke wants £55 a set for these, taking the piss that is.
I might also have some old stock on the shelves which would be much cheaper :) But won't know until I cross reference the pad number with our numbering system.
I gambled on the pads and they lasted out the day. Glad to say nothing else when amiss. First big run out with the 5 link, and I dont feel its done that much to the car. It is a bit more comfortable, and doesn't crash through but that could be the new springs and dampers. However its done and it stays fitted until the new back axle goes in. Have a fair bit of welding on the axle case to remove and refit in the right position, so it will be a autumn winter job (another one !) But the main thing is the car is running good, still a little coarse on take up, cant get the mixture quite right or the balance, but its close.
5 link? When did that happen? I don't remember seeing anything about that - was I sleeping?
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