
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

When is the next mag due to hit doormats ?

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Oh, I see ...... editor gets preferential treatment ........ or is just age before beauty  ;-)

Ha ha

Its my fault, I'm having a lot of problems exporting the address labels as a document Nick can use to print them from.

The database was written in microsoft works which of course...doesn't.

I will get it sorted as soon as possible.

Was there a Spring issue; number 124?

should we all have a whip round for some stamps ,,lol,,

how about a sierra (dutton) side windows blanked out ,,bright red ,, signed , DUTTON,MAIL  ,,,lol

On a serious note have the club concidered doing the torque as an members download e doc?  i should imagine most of us are now on email  and if the club were to have this as a default way of distributing the torque it would save the cost to the club, members could either save or print it off themselves  for those who dont have email then the club could print and send , at a cost payable by the member  same as you do with the manuals, only a thought, what do the others think?  

Its a good idea Martin, but there are still people who do not have access to computers in the club ( I beleive !! ) and if we were to do that, we might as well just have the forum, as most things are on here anyway.  But also it is part of the clubs history and tradition, and has been noted and endorsed by other clubs as one of the best club mags going. So is just as important to keep going, as it is to keep the Duttons them selves on the road.  Get writing articals boys. 

How about when you join you are given the option of either having your magazine posted to you, or if enough local members are near by collected and locally distributed at say a show or run out, and finally by electronic means

I like the idea of the dutton torque magazine and I also like the idea of receiving it as a pdf emailed to me. I could then burn it to a disc for minimal storage space. I appreciate there are a few who either don't have computors/email or just prefer the hard copy. Could a print out of the pdf not be sent to those who would prefer it that way and emailed to those who would prefer it electronically.  I just think it could be produced and distributed more cheaply and effectively using electronic means where possible without loosing the escence of the mag.

I don't think the forum replaces the magazine especially this one so I can see room for both the forum and the magazine.

Some of the specialist newsagent publications are now starting to offer subscriptions to recieve the monthly edition electronically.

These days  most print jobs are sent to the printers as pdf file  so you should all ready have the content on file , the only problem is if you have a deal with the printer , larger print runs are cheeper than  smaller ones,  would the savings be offset by the increased costs minus the lower postal costs?  

Of our current club membership only 1/3rd have email addresses on file, 100 and a few out of 340 ish. I am hoping to increase this in the next batch of renewals that will accompany DT when its posted. We are very much an 'old school' club relying on royal mail to get the mags out. The finished magazine will be made available as a PDF one year after issue date and I will have back issues available for new members etc. We have loads of back issues of DT from way back currently cluttering Steve Kerry's garage but available should anybody want them, see the DOC website for details.

Nick works for the printer and has done a sterling job getting 400 mags printed, it is entirely my fault they are delayed and that will hopefully be rectified over the weekend, the labels sent and they should be in the post late next week.


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