
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

This should be good for a laugh.  I have just bought a running Phaeton (Pictures and description to follow soon) but I could do with some suggestions.

There does not seem to be a dipstick!  I have seen crossflows where the dipstick is out of the front cover on the exhaust side - but no sign of a hole or blanking piece there.

The nearest I can see is a short blanked piece of hose under the carbs - is the dipstick sometimes their?

Any suggestions welcome - luckily I am not easily offended!

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what cc is the engine Mark, , i wonder if an enduro one might fit?  it is a 711 based engine,after all   the dipstick guide is about £3 on ebay i did notice a guide and dipstick going for £10.00, 110775891138 its for a 1300  but you could do what ade sayes,  drain the oil out, measure whats there, put back in exactly what the book says , so you know where the max should be, then scribe  a new mark  , job done. 

Martin, it's 1600 (I believe taken out to 1700) , the 1300 might work with re-calibrating but beign rigid could be a problem with the 40s.

I'm not familiar with "Enduro" is that one of the recent incarnations - like in the Ka?

Hi Adrian, sounds good - just need 2 things - find a CLEAN tray then find out the oil capacity. It seems I must have had a mad clear-out a few years back and dumped some Haynes manuals as I definitely had a Mexico one.  I new I should avoid tidying up.

Is your sump shallower than standard?  I could certainly do with more clearance - at the moment there is a "hoop" of steel acting as a sump guard which frequently bottoms out.  Probably something to do with the suspension being set ridiculously low - another job to sort - the dampers look like they have less than an inch of travel before the bump stops!


initail fill with filter =3.67 litres  (6.5 pints )

oil change without filter =2.75 litres (4.8 pints)

oil change with filte =3.25 litres (5.7 pints)



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