nick has gone radio silence....he has not responded to any communication from me this last year.
I think That Dave and I got the Torque back on track, we produced quite a few magazines, however the printing of these first class mags hammered the accounts, they are not cheap to produce and post etc. I wanted to do it all myself but Nick could get a good deal but insisted on a 44 page mag, where as I would have got out a 20 page mag more often, hence it could have been done cheaper and more often. Also need to look at the interference by others when trying to "edit" a mag.
and it was well received by myself Daryl but i am led to believe it would take a few weeks to get it printed up, once a printers is decided upon....TBH i am not comfortable with the private funding of club activities and feel that the club should put its house in order and fund such things its self.
So my question of 18 months ago still stands ......... what has happened to the club funds? When I started rattling cages last year, I was told to mind my own business!! and yes, I was a member then.
I can provide a summary of the paypal account and it's transactions for 2014/2015 same as I did for 2013/2014.
I'm sorry I can't really help with the actual bank account summaries.
in every conversation i have had with Derek (who does talk to Nick) he has assured me the club accounts are just a few days away, those conversations were more frequent last year. it was not my job to do the chasing any more than any other committee member but i did a fair bit.....to no effect.
so what do i do?
i cannot compel any member of the DOC committee to do their job, perhaps if i had remained Secretary, i talked to most committee members on a regular basis it would have been easy to gee folks along. i should have stayed as Secretary and just contributed to the DT as before. I certainly do not want the poison challis that is Editor of a magazine that is hobbled with out full editorial control again....or not even with full editorial control as i dont want the job....but any new editor need full editorial control.
The person responsible for printing and paying for the mag had stopped answering emails and phone calls from Dave, at least that was the information I was given..
As far as notification goes, I don''t think we have ever sent a formal notification to all members, it's been done through the internet and the club mag. You've been a member of the DOC longer than most on here, have they ever done a formal notification letter?
Hope your mum is ok Rob.
The AGM has been held at Stoneleigh for years. I can remember the Dutton crowd many years before I became an owner holding their meeting. Used to be a fairly noisy jovial affair, causing consternation among other far smaller groups. Never received an invite all the time I've been in it, its just there and then, every car owner knows this, Stoneleigh is the place to be, but people cant be bothered to see another dying kit car show, unless you have something specific to buy or sell.
I think you missed my point, you could tell everybody, but they ain't gonna show. They are not interested in the politics or the in fight, they just want a club and a magazine and a web site that works. They really don't care about the running, if they did they would be there. I will be proposing a radical move at Stoneleigh, I have informed the powers of my intentions.
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