
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

went out today for the first time in the leggey started out ok ended up with a tow back :( was running fine for about 7 miles then it felt like it was running out of fuel water temp was sitting at 80c oil ok  let it sit for a few min starts fine but wont pull missing like hell  noticed the wire was off the rad fan fixed that then removed the plugs to see if it can tell me anything all ok except no4 was a bit darker than the rest on further inspection i noticed some hairline cracks on the white part so have replaced the plugs  will see how it goes . but if anyone has any other suggestions as to possible causes im listening    

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hi adrian i had done the same with my leggy changed the dizzy leads the gadget ,coil and ngk plugs defo starts better and tickover is smooth i have the bosh dizzy what is the best plugs i had thought of useing the accuspark accuspark cold plug any good ?? or better with a bosch plug to match the dizzy 

I used the NGK ones as thats what we sell and i had some old ones, they worked on my leggy so sent Steve the same ones. Can't trace the order so they must have been from stock, i'll have a root and see if I can find the details but they'll be the same ones I listed above, probably 1269's.

I’m working on the car at the moment have took it for a run up the road and started again so I changed the coil and can confirm it is not that I put the old plugs back in as it’s all I have but made no change the folks in my street thinking I’m nuts now scoot back up the hill again still loosing power on heavy accelerator crawl back down to the garage remove the top of the carb hardly any petroleum just enough to cover the jets looking like I might have got it dogey fuel pump

hi daryl the fuel line is copper i replaced the rubber part that goes to the carb and fitted a small in line filter i have never had any experience with leccy pumps there is a fat type connector but dont know if it splits to clean i will check and get back was time for a cuppa tetley  

it,s arrowed for direction of flow 

 hi daryl ye were right there was a filter at the pump it bolts in to it un done it and there was some crap in it used some electrical cleaner to blow it through an a wee blast with the air gun put it back together removed the pipe at the carb and sat it in a large coffee jar turned on the ignition can hear the pump working now the jar was filled in seconds tried this before i started n it would have taken all nite to fill it hence i thought the pump was on its way oot  cheers for that info mate  it all helps to make it run better i have had a few of these accuspark units never had any issues still going to change the plugs an do an oil change whats the recommended oil is the classic 20/50 ok     

so it was fuel related then.......nur nur nur 

It would seem so Brian just been out only went for a mile or so before turning back totally hammered it and no issues will take it to work a few days

glad you got it sorted :-)

well the weather has got a bit better up here and the legerra is running fine now been usein it for the last 2/3 days to run back n  fourth to work smiles all round . i changed the tank and the fuel pump fitted 3 inline filters impressed with the performance on it  so just going to enjoy it now till hopefully winter months 


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