
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

No, nothing like that I can assure you :-) Due to some inconsiderate tw*t hitting my Saab putting it in the garage at my expense, I've had to press the Sierra back into service. Luckily I had not got to far into doing the swap over, so a simple job to recommission. Decided for the first time to use the heater, now the Sierra is not entirely water tight, so after 15 minutes steam started to be blown out the vents. This condensed on the glass and no amount of wiping etc. would clear it. Thinking the heater was naff I thought another job while its stripped out. A quick nosey and it appears the housing was full of leaves which were wet. Cleaned it all out and still I have steamy windows. Driving with the windows open soon clears it but it is fun to see the damp air being thrown out the vents. Heater is not leaking just never used in 12 years, hopefully it will dry out a bit each trip. Or I'll just turn the thing off.

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Comment by rob saul on January 5, 2016 at 21:39
Pay my accountant well to make me happy not the tax man
Normally I'm redbull doing everything from one end of the car to another but been nicked from there an making a seat for mr Reikonen at the moment
Comment by Brian (up north) Morris on January 5, 2016 at 20:20

god just reading that makes me tired.....lol

Comment by Paul Sheridan on January 5, 2016 at 20:19

What are you tasked with in the funny season Rob? 

Comment by rob saul on January 5, 2016 at 19:47
F1 funny season has just kicked off will be on 100/105 hr weeks for the next 3/4 months with a weekend off every 3 weeks or so
Comment by Brian (up north) Morris on January 5, 2016 at 18:36

lol. ye the air fed is a must if you welding everyday. welders where i worked used to say......"you will never meet a old welder" :-(

man sacrifices his health for money. and then trys to buy back his health with money...........budda

Comment by Steve Kerswell on January 5, 2016 at 16:51

my wife just looked over my shoulder and asked "60 hours? where were you the rest of the time?" OOps!! Did a month of 99 hour weeks in Germany, I was wasted time I got home,,,,, rich but wasted :-)))

Comment by Steve Kerswell on January 5, 2016 at 16:48

Hence my air fed expensive mask Brian. Used to average 60 hours a week when we were really going for the cash!

Comment by Brian (up north) Morris on January 5, 2016 at 16:30

lol. funny. steve. martin.

graham my mk1 mini sills had that in. did you know it gives off a toxic gas when welded.....oops your still here though...

Comment by Steve Kerswell on January 5, 2016 at 16:06

I was welding a cement tanker, inside. Aluminum Mig, lots of amps, lots of smell. My mate Melvyn, the best welder I've ever known, was outside welding, and didn't like the line up so beat it with a large mallet, not only did it age me several years, I was head to foot in cement dust and couldn't see the way out, oh how we all laughed !!! 

Comment by Steve Kerswell on January 5, 2016 at 15:13

Argh, Sierra fan belt has turned to dust, and I ain't got a spare, plus the passenger side wiper blade has perished. They don't build things to last nowadays.

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