
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

On a standard EEC-V Ford ECU as well!

Turns out you just need to make sure that you get the ignition key from the donor car, as well as the key sensor ring from the inside of the donor steering column shroud.

Guess what, the OBD diagnostic reader even works too!  I've connected it to a cheapo bluetooth OBD reader and now I can get all kinds of fancy info from my Android OBD app including RPM, Temperature, throttle angle and even car performance (although I've not tried that yet)!

I just need to finalise the wiring and sort the bodywork before I can get it road legal - say January?

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Comment by Steve and Matt Pegrum on December 30, 2013 at 12:21

I used this plenum from GBS cars


Uses part of the original plastic intake (the mounting flange with the injector mounting holes in) and the throttle body from a mk1 focus

Not at cheap as it might have been, esp considering I had to buy a small alternator and mounting brackets too.

probably came to 500 in all, which was similar to 'proper' throttle bodies, but at least I saved the cost of the ECU.

There are probably other plenum options or you could DIY using this basic idea and I have seen ones on various forums that would probably allow the use of a standard alternator - but never seen for sale.

Escort forums are good for this type of info.

Comment by Dave Adams on December 30, 2013 at 10:54

i would be interested in what inlet manifold you run....i dont think the standard inlet from the mondeo will fit many if any of our cars, and definitely not my Legerra

Comment by Steve and Matt Pegrum on November 29, 2013 at 11:18

Then only thing I am still struggling with a bit is instruments. Maybe it would have been easier to use the Mondeo clocks instead of the Saxo/106 ones that I have. Still nearly done. Rev counter and warning lights seem to all work, but temperature, speedo and fuel could be a bit more challenging

Comment by Steve and Matt Pegrum on November 29, 2013 at 11:15

very true. And then you can still scrap it and get maybe 100 for the rest

Comment by Dave Adams on November 29, 2013 at 7:10
Practical performance car and Retro Ford are currently doing articles on fitting Zetecs.......I am about to fit one to the Legerra.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on November 29, 2013 at 0:07

Steve, how about you, Paul and Danny work out a 'shopping list' for those people interested in the zetec conversion, a sort of haynes DIY manual to cover the different aspects of the conversion. Do it for the club mag if it's easy enough.

Comment by Paul Sheridan on November 19, 2013 at 13:11

Go to the Phaeton page on Mr G's site and look at my rebuild post, it shows how I cut the two piece sump down.

Comment by Steve and Matt Pegrum on November 19, 2013 at 12:31

No Problem. And if you are at the previous stage I and also state that I used the standard mondeo flywheel/ Clutch and a Type 9 gearbox, but modified the sierra release arm to bring it forward since that clutch is thinner than the Sierra one.

I also have the standard two piece sump which I cut quite a few bits from sa as to be able to use a sierra starter motor. Ground clearance is a bit limited, but then again I haven't sorted the chassis ride heights etc yet

Comment by John Allen on November 19, 2013 at 12:20

well done steve. i'll be after pointers when reach that stage.

Comment by Steve and Matt Pegrum on November 19, 2013 at 12:13

Yes I'll have to sort some pictures.

For now though I can say that I used the entire mondeo engine harness  with some alterations for length etc to suit the new layout. I also used a piece from the engine bay harness so that I could retain the use of the harness plug and a short bit from inside the steering column for the key detector. All of this from a Mk2 Mondeo

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