
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

legerra with hard top.......

looks to be a nice one....local to me as well.

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Comment by Paul Thomas on March 16, 2014 at 18:01

just noticed a tax exempt legera for sale in essex

Comment by Dave Adams on March 16, 2014 at 15:33
Steve it is about 35 miles from me......
Comment by James Doulton on March 16, 2014 at 9:21

It looks to me as if that Legerra has got bonnet fixings near the front and at the back corners. Do you think he has removed the front hinge so that he can completely remove the bonnet? It would be a nuisance at times but a real boon when messing with the engine as the bonnet makes everything difficult and dark. There are no pictures of the engine bay - I'd have thought that anyone buying a kitcar (and therefore a DIY mechanic) would want to see the heart of the matter, or is that just me?

Comment by James Doulton on March 16, 2014 at 9:07

Anyway, back to the Legerra, it looks pretty good to me. I wonder if he'd sell me the hardtop on its own?

Comment by Dave Adams on March 16, 2014 at 7:12

This subject was originally posted by myself......

there are some posts that have been "edited out", if they were by the original poster that is OK if disappointing, However if they were edited out by a third party i will be very unhappy. On principle i am firmly opposed to censorship as it is the thin edge of the wedge as far as civil liberties are concerned. if we allow it for such trivial things and it becomes "normal" then it becomes easier to do it for things that in other times would be border line abhorrent.  (as noted on here previously)

Comment by Dave Adams on March 16, 2014 at 6:54

cloners are highly unlikely to be looking on a dutton forum for anything, if all they wanted was the log book why would they discuss anything dutton related?

also our clubs policy of trying to recover V5's is not unique, i know of two other clubs doing the same and i suspect a few are doing it.

also the policy of actively reclaiming log books and the illegal cloning of kit cars in particular is something that the kit car press are highlighting. Iain Aire is particularly worked up about it and off his own bat is again writing about the problem in Aprils "Kit Car", and in relation to our club as a way of highlighting it.

I dont feel that anything Martin was said out of place, since we all know that if one poster asks the question on a subject we all feel strongly about and it is not answered satisfactorily...........the poster goes on to speculate about actions they are going to take and authorities they are going to inform, and if the post is on ebay they then start sending snotty massages to the ebayer and give them the heads up that they are breaking the law, making it harder to deal with from our point of view. This is all not helped by the clubs complete lack of a stated policy on the subject to point new members at.

this forums method of only showing recently discussed topics in the side bars on the screen doesn't help if we wish to post subjects that we want to have as "sticky" subjects.

Comment by Dave Taylor on March 15, 2014 at 20:45


Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 15, 2014 at 19:30

Lets not go into it, call me a purist if you wish but it has a caterfield nose and a westerham arse end... in my opinion it ain't a dutton.

If the chassis did prove to be a phaeton underneath then I'll grant you its a legit body swap however the essence of Phaeton has been binned infavour of yet another 7 clone. Shame.


Comment by Dave Taylor on March 15, 2014 at 18:49

Going through Barnard Castle on Wednesday, could take a look

Comment by Adrian Southgate on March 15, 2014 at 16:48

The legerra is sitting very low with a lot of negative camber for a road car.

The black one is blatant and will be dealt with.

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