
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

im looking at possible options for a 5 speed box to fit in my leggera over the winter i could go for the type 9 box but they are getting pricey these days and i would have to change/do some chassis mods to get it in there .so i was thinkin mx5 or rx8 i believe these are both rwd boxes but im not sure of size in comparison to the type 9  also the prop could be an issue if they are different splines .any one with experience on this ??? your advice would be appreciated 

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Comment by James paton on January 14, 2019 at 21:33

 hi daryl the original prop fitted up to the 5 speed i had taken a measure of the gap/play on the prop and the gearbox  and left the same gap on the new 5 speed box so hoping it s going to be ok 

Comment by James paton on January 14, 2019 at 21:24

got the bottom end of the engine completed and ready to lift in tonight zip tied all the wiring back in place 

Comment by James paton on January 14, 2019 at 21:19

 there was nothing wrong with the prop ? the old gearbox was ok after i change the saddle for the gear stick and put a new clutch in it  

Comment by Adrian Southgate on January 13, 2019 at 19:01

Should have said you wanted gaskets... 

Comment by James paton on January 13, 2019 at 18:50

well i got the 5 speed fitted today thanks to mr southgate for the pics they came in very handy done it almost the same as adrians picture but replaced the side to side protection with a 25mm sq box section welded in the front of the original currently waiting for the sump and head gasket to get to the next stage of the game plan i have even painted the inner wings and chassis frame work so looking pretty good at the moment


Comment by Adrian Southgate on January 10, 2019 at 7:19

Got more pics, probably on flickr.

Comment by James paton on January 10, 2019 at 0:03

i have just found the pics of adrian southgates legera  perfect im going to use this idea hope you dont mind mr southgate 

Comment by James paton on January 9, 2019 at 23:44

well i haven't been on for ages i bought all the parts to do the rx8 gearbox then got offered a type 9 at a decent price so ive removed the 4 speed and started on the type 9 upgrade as it seems a fair bit easier to do especially at the clutch looks like im going to have to mod the tunnel some to let the gearbox sit back a few inches i have been looking in the gallery to see if there was any pics but cant see anything . the good thing is i already bought a new clutch and will still be able to use it :) hoping to get it back up and running in a couple of weeks . 

Comment by James paton on October 9, 2018 at 19:47

cheers mate 

Comment by James paton on October 9, 2018 at 2:12

i checked today with the supplier of the conversion plate about the clutch plate and it can take the 8.5 inch theres plenty of room for it the guy said . but im thinking if i change it to the smaller clutch i would need to change the flywheel as well ?? can adrian or daryl confirm if my thoughts are correct on this 

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