
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

im looking at possible options for a 5 speed box to fit in my leggera over the winter i could go for the type 9 box but they are getting pricey these days and i would have to change/do some chassis mods to get it in there .so i was thinkin mx5 or rx8 i believe these are both rwd boxes but im not sure of size in comparison to the type 9  also the prop could be an issue if they are different splines .any one with experience on this ??? your advice would be appreciated 

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Comment by James paton on July 21, 2018 at 23:30

thanks adrian  , mt75 gearboxes are getting expensive now as well as the type 9 every one seems to be  useing them been doing some research and the rx8 gearbox is the exact same length as the type 9  the splines are the same and uses the type 9 clutch thrust etc  no diffrence with the 6 speed or 5 speed still would need to make up brackets to mount it and if you want to keep the cable more brackets but soo much cheeper than the ford units comes with a quick shift as standard aswell 

Comment by Adrian Southgate on July 19, 2018 at 7:10

The MT75 is also worth considering as it bolts straight onto the pinto, Steve Kerswell has done it. 

I know that the type 9 will require a new section cut and shut under the tunnel area, in fact anything other than a type 2 or type 3 box will require modifications to be made.

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