
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

well i have said i am going today.....and it is a little inclement....just a tad that is.....actually its been peeing it down since 3 or 4 this morning and i need to go today to settle a bill i have with Adrian, who wont be there tomorrow apparently which promises to be a much better day. hope i am not the only one to show up. I don't fancy a lonely day in rainy Newark.....

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Comment by Dave Adams on June 20, 2011 at 22:13
when i redid the rear end this year i fitted the shockers at the top first and offered the axle up to the bottom mounts and the shockers were pointing to the rear about 1" each, thus when they were forced to fit (well gently flexed) this flexing is probably why the shocker tops are wearing so fast.
Comment by Dave Taylor on June 20, 2011 at 16:39
Just had another look at the photos, but you could be right. Should the shocker not be vertical to the swinging arms? otherwise you have 2 forces trying to fight each other, weakest link loses.
Comment by Dave Taylor on June 20, 2011 at 15:44
To balance the world, for every positive there as to be a negative. Thats why we own Dutton's, Its a balancing act  every day. Imagine jumping in your Caterfield and doing a round trip without this sort of thing happening, I mean what would you have done at nights this week? Now you  must get it ready for the next trip out. That could be to see us guys in the North, as its our local show this weekend near Preston, see SUNDAY 26TH JUNE - HOGHTON TOWER, NR PRESTON, LANCS. http://thenorthernduttoneers.com/Calendarofevents.aspx
Comment by Adrian Southgate on June 19, 2011 at 11:24

Sorry I didn't make it Dave, the cars not well again. Had to cancel my trip to Kent as well.

I had three new memberships online yesterday afternoon including one chap from Calais. Spending today doing paperwork and exhaust repairs.


Comment by Dave Adams on June 18, 2011 at 19:07
Newark was dry and fairly sunny, didn't buy much but should get a few more members....

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