
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

stopping competition.....in which i came second.

I have just pranged my car !.....! Ironically involveing an ambulance who was over taking on a blind bend with solid white lines i slammed on the brakes and swerved onto the grass bank and just caught the guy in front on my O/S to his N/S. bonnet is not in great condition now , o/s chassis is bent. All is repairable but bum bum bum.

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Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 8, 2012 at 8:22

Result Dave.

Always helps to get a keen one on side.

Comment by Dave Adams on September 8, 2012 at 8:19


Insurance assessor has been and seen my car (he liked it apparently) he has taken my printed quote for the damage and approved it, he is going to tell the insurance company that my estimate for the repair is OK. and recommend they pay out the asked for sum (less the insurance excess) He seemed to be saying that it looked a bit cheap...but admitted that if i asked for more the car would likely be written off.

I valued my car at £2500, and the assessor saw no problem with that (it has been the agreed value on my car until this year when i never got round to updating the photos) I kept the damage quote to just under 40% of the value (the usual cut off at which the car will be written off)   funnily enough it was a small struggle keeping the quote lower....it could have easily reached 50-60% of the cars value.

Next years value will be at £3000 i think. especially as the French can ask 11,000 Euro for their cars and a German Malaga B+ recently sold for 30,000+ Euro

Comment by Big Vern on August 30, 2012 at 20:28

Pete Brown,

The number is: 01366 347370 He should be able to give you up to date prices.

Comment by Dave Adams on August 30, 2012 at 20:00

i have spoken to the guy who has the phaeton for sale on that free ad site thingy.....i am going to buy it once the insurance is settled and rob it of all the parts i need.

Comment by Dave Adams on August 30, 2012 at 19:51

i need a price for a new bonnet, spoiler and scuttle/dash unit for the insurance quotes, the assessor is coming round to mine next Wednesday. what's the guys number who has the moulds please......unless anyone here has recently priced them up?

Comment by Dave Adams on August 27, 2012 at 19:28

another picture.....this is a pic of the lower 1" chassis rail, it is bowed outwards......bum....

on the plus side the 2" chassis rail looks fine.

However i am tempted to just build a new chassis. (to original spec but with "improvements" ) so i can keep the chassis number.

Comment by Paul Sheridan on August 27, 2012 at 17:53

Hmmm, that dosent look good Dave, I fear, you need to strip that down to the bare chassis at least back to the bulkhead to do some more assessing and measuring. You have the ability to replace the bent parts, but you have got to be sure about the allignment of the rest.  Look on the bright side mate .... you and Sandra are ok.

Comment by Dave Adams on August 27, 2012 at 17:32

just had a look at the damage to the car now its in my garage......not as good as i thought....

you can see how far the bonnet was pushed back here....

this wheel used to sit dead centre of this wheel arch....

the bottom chassis rail is bent.

as is the upright to which the top wishbone fixes...

here you can see the bottom rail is bent twice.....it is now "S" shaped as it also bent on the N/S....

this was a surprise finding for me ....... its the bulkhead on the drivers side and its cracked top to bottom, that possibly means i have chassis damage further back......

the bonnet moved quite far back in the impact and ......well i think my home made air filter needs some work as well.

Comment by Dave Adams on August 26, 2012 at 12:28
Worth me taking a look for spares etc.
Comment by Big Vern on August 25, 2012 at 22:30

Had always said I'd never put my old S1 back on the road as I have no bodywork, and little else now but a rusty chassis and the log book but I could be tempted to rebuild it with a john W's nosecones if he'd sell me one now I'd just need a rear end and some ally:-)

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