
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

At stafford last year i was approached by the regional secretary of the robin hood owners to see if we are interested in a track day. they would like to share costs if we can get enough interest. however they prefer a week day as its half price at about £15-20 a car. their preferred venue is Curborough (litchfield) are there any members interested?
The ROCAR SEC. also owns a Melos and uses it. so he is a fan of Duttons as well.

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Comment by Mark Bagnall on April 26, 2012 at 0:35

I'm interested, I see the track's short but that is a very good price for a track day.  I'm trying to buy a Phaeton at the moment so is there a plan on when this might happen?  I'm prepared to commit anyway (if I can make the date) and use my boring car if necessary.

Comment by Dave Adams on April 17, 2012 at 19:13

It is the circuit just off the A38 near Stafford, its a sprint circuit and they take a maximum of 20 cars, we as a club will have a maximum of 10 places (if we are lucky to get that many) but it can be as low as 6 and ROCAR will hopefully cover the rest, we do not need to go in kits we can go in any car. passengers are allowed. Apparently the circuit runs clockwise in the morning and anticlockwise in the afternoon to make it more fun..

It will be sometime on a week day as it will be less than half price of the weekend apparently. And sometime in July if it can be all confirmed.

If the price is as quoted last year it should be £15 a car.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on April 17, 2012 at 17:33

Thinking on a bit. How does everybody feel about a friday. I'm being a pessimist but if anything goes wrong with my car i'm stuck for getting to work the next day if its broken.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on April 17, 2012 at 17:31

I have a set of colway intermediates knocking about somewhere, time to find some 13 inch wheels I guess.

I'm sure I have a set of RS wheels too, just need to find them.

Comment by Dave Adams on April 16, 2012 at 22:18
Yeah. i am also tired and away from home (widnes) so not thinking straight for all details. :-(
Comment by Adrian Southgate on April 16, 2012 at 22:16

Car details good.

Local descriptions of circuits not so good. I couldn't find anything under Curborough and too many litchfields all over the country. :-)

Comment by Dave Adams on April 16, 2012 at 22:16
I will phone him tomorrow. just had a quick call from him tonight. he is likely to join this forum as he is looking to modify his melos front suspension from drums to discs.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on April 16, 2012 at 22:13

Can you get some track detail as all I can find is a figure 8 / oval circuit more suited to banger racing.... and thats in Staffordshire.

Comment by Dave Adams on April 16, 2012 at 22:12
Brum area i am certain as its the midlands local secretary who i spoke to. ...
he said he will register his cars details with you at Stoneleigh Ade.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on April 16, 2012 at 22:06

Litchfield, Hampshire Dave?

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