
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

HPG128K - Dutton Sierra Series 2 - rescued from an early grave?

Sierra II

So the saga of the gearbox rear seal continues. When it had the rear crank seal done the garage also fitted a prop/tailshaft seal which promptly leaked just as badly as the one they took out.

When I had the horrible vibration issue it was coming from the prop not fitting into the gearbox. Thinking this might have damaged the bush inside the tailshaft and caused the leak I ordered a new one and another seal. Now if anyone tells you this is a DIY job DON'T believe a word of it. Getting the seal out is an easy one with a modified puller, getting down the side of the tailshaft past the bush is bloody impossible without the right tool. According to the haynes manual for the Ford Sierra its a ford dealer job...I now agree. As it was needed for work tomorrow the new seal went in without changing the bush, a right pain in the arse.

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Comment by James Doulton on September 20, 2014 at 9:49

It sounds like quite a bit of work. That Escort has wide wheel arches and the front wheels look like the arches could do with being wider still. But that look would really suit a Sierra, with the wheels sticking out. And a Scooby system would make it a very impressive road weapon, plus you could chase the off-roaders too. Sounds like a fantastic idea.

Comment by Nick carlin on September 19, 2014 at 20:16
Saw one for £500 complete tax and tested
Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 19, 2014 at 18:56

mental as anything lol...

Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 8, 2014 at 22:03

Its a type 9 five speed.

If I am going to take the housing off then its a gearbox out job as there are fiddly bits that I will struggle with when its under the car. I have a complete spare housing though so it may be possible to recon the spare and swap them out.

Bearing kits is where I buy all my wheel, axle and gearbox bits, I should phone them tomorrow but it's so busy at work.

Comment by Dave Taylor on September 8, 2014 at 21:39


Ade try these guys, all parts available surely they will know how to replace the bush. I am not to sure now but think you may need the take the housing off to do the replacement.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 8, 2014 at 19:16

Nothing shows up on Google images, I might try geartorque who are just round the corner from me, they might be able to suggest something.

Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 8, 2014 at 19:08

I have no idea what the proper tool looks like however the application is fairly restrictive..

Comment by Adrian Southgate on September 8, 2014 at 18:43

Proper wedged in, 2 inch long white metal bush about 2mm thick and only 4mm clearance between it and the tailshaft so I need a inside (expanding) 3 jaw puller that doesn't flex and has a 2-3 inch reach at least with a leg of less than 3mm to allow for a 1mm tooth on the end... I'll have to make the legs from flat steel and hope they can take the pressure. Certainly isn't going to be a quick fix...

Comment by Dave Price on September 8, 2014 at 12:27
Sounds like a tricky job

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