
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners


Feeling rather smug at the mo but I have jacked in my job and will be starting a new job in Nov but means I will have allllllllllllllll of next week off. technically I will be an unemployed bum but what jobs should I start with?????? The Johnny logic says cut out the engine and gearbox mounts as look like were welded in my a chimpanzee! Make mounts for the five link set up on rear. strengthen front chassis legs where the same or similar chimpanzee crushed them by over tightening the suspension mount. Resleeve the holes and then mount all the front suspension which is completely rebuilt along with callipers and hubs etc. I have a halfshaft puller on lone next week so and finally remove the one halfshaft that will not budge. Strip then overhaul the axle. If I’m brave I will tackle the fibreglass tubs. A rallycross friend (angry spider racing) has agreed to do all the fibreglass work on the main car body work as hes bloody good! Sweeeeeet! So after that waffle, can someone see if im working in an arse about face way? Once engine and gearbox are mounted the rear end will be talked then that’s the big stuff. Into tub fitting, plumbing wiring etc. Could be the worlds longest rebuild. Lol. Any way wish me luck and I’ll post a few pics as I go!

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Pic of what I started with.
After a bit of hacking
Cleaning up.
Knackered but of chassis leg as you can see. Cut out and new bit fabricated.
As a non trained welder. Or some would call a bodger this was the result yesterday. Tomorrow will be new sleeves through chassis and plate inside of chassis for strength. Also made the the bonnet hinges.
Welded in.

That looks very neat.

Thanks James. Not bad for a paper pushing electrician. Lol.
The half shafts and diff are out. The fight they put up are worthy of the history books. Time for a celebratory glass of wine !!
I'm working on that very well.

Is that my old one, if so good job on getting those shafts out. 

It certainly is ade. Cor what a fight. Hours of my life but still appreciate it. Cutting old brackets off tomorrow and clean and prime.


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