
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

My type 9 gearstick in the leggy is rattling badly so i'm looking to replace it with a quick shift, anyone got one they can part with? Obviously I don't expect it for free so let me know and I'll see about making you an offer. If I can't find one in the next 24 hours then its going to be ebay shopping.

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A wing wong? 

they are not expensive to buy new at about £40 and made of a single stainless steel bar machined  they also look good,

I know Dave but i'm being tight :)

First thing i'll have to do is chop it down by 6 inches, kind of reluctant to do that to a new one.

If no ones got one then i will have to as the old type stick is past it.

yeah me too......but you need to alter the position of the ball joint to the fork ( raise it a little) it makes the gear shift a little heavier but a fair bit less "throw" i feel its just easier and more reliable to fit a new one. cutting the lever shorter wont do it.

Dave, my idea was to buy or beg a proper quickshift to replace my adapted standard stick. I already modified the fulcrum point by 3mm but also had to shorten the stick otherwise it comes up too high in the car for a comfortable shift.

If I buy a new shift from ebay I will still have to remove 6 inches to make it sit at the right height, I have already got a full size quickshift in the Sierra which is straight, it doesn't have the 30 degree kink that the standard one does thereby avoiding the need to piss around with the handbrake. The legerra shift could do with being that little bit further forward and the straight stick will give me that small adjustment. the existing adapted one is rattling badly and it drives both of us mental on a long run.


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