
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

It seems completely unnecessary and the mounting points stop the front from tipping up properly

I'm also interested in castor adjustment

So, has anyone done the removal of the Escort Mk 2 thing?

I can see you can get a thing called a compression strut for Escorts that replaces it and faces backwards - might not fit a phaeton chassis...

Otherwise it's custom lower wishbones I guess......

If anyone has done this I'd be most interested.....


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In your picture the rack arm is already pointing down, so by inverting the arm, it may bring it more parallel to the ground, helping in reducing bump steer. I think ??

I also think that the steering arm ought to be horizontal to avoid bump steer

I think bump steer is more complicated than that. Something about wishbone and steering rack track rod axes all converging at the same point

See https://lmr.com/products/Mustang-Bump-Steer-Correction

However all such concerns may not be relevant....... unless we assume Dutton got it right originally.......?

We'll deffo try that as it's zero cost and no welding or drilling

Is it better to have the rack and ends in a straight (or nearly straight) line or to have angles? does this adversely affect steering effort. 

My Legerra has angles in all directions as the rack mounts are in front and below the ends of the steering arms. Steering is still heavy even with silly skinny tyres on.

Actually I'm having second thoughts about swapping TREs....

I think the important things to consider are the relationships between the angles of the wishbones and the steering track rod rather that the actual angles.

If your steering is very heavy maybe you have too much caster, or perhaps more simply something binding (is it heavy with wheels off the ground?), or a quick rack, or a tiddly steering wheel?

13 inch wheel with good grip, good column bearings, good u/j's (quite a sharp angle though) good rack. Oh err mrs...

When I last worked on the front suspension i re-used the old maxi ball joints and have a feeling I put them on the 'wrong' way round, the negative camber (which was minimal) is now quite marked.

Is there a 'right' and 'wrong' angle for the steering rods though? I would have thought that the straightest line across the length of the rack would be optimal.

Correct, I think :-)) well that's what I do ?? Its the old joke, I used to be uncertain but I'm not sure anymore.

Hmm something to think about Tomorrow

Merry Christmas everyone!

Look at my legera posts......I modified my wish bones to add clearance.

Thanks Dave. Yes I had a look at that. However since we only have one complete wishbone I'd prefer to make at least the second one 'right' in the first place

I have been doing a bit of thinking and drawn some pictures from which I concluded that you would need to do the measurements at +/-30 degrees to get the right answer, not 20 degrees. 20 degrees give you an underestimate and the readings would be only 68% of the true figure.
You might be able to manage 30 degrees because that is the angle you would need for a 8.8m turning circle. 2 of my Duttons could manage that, I reckon.


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