
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

when i get round to taking my car to bits this year (now the Quantum is on the road) I have been wondering what to do about the front end of the car, especially as the headlights are knackered and need replacing. To be honest i have seen very few cycle guard modifications that look good on Phaetons because of the shape and height of the bonnet and nose cone.

But i am thinking of cutting out the headlight pods completely and making the mud guard look as if they were never there. and buying some HID projector lamps and making some holders, either both sides of the nose cone or inside the grille area, hidden. OR making some eye shaped pods to sit on the mudguards for the smaller lamps, what do you lot think?

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But would be illegal as one dip would be inboard, the other would be outboard.

Dave Adams said:

They would be very easy to fit in the nose cone or on top of the wing, should be easy to convert to HID lamps as well (lower wattage but brighter)

Mick Joyce said:

@ Adrian.
Figure 8 lights.
Intended for bikes so would need to investigate the lenses properly.

Those figure 8 have been fitted to one of the cars posted on the French kit car site....they look wrong, and the French owner (also called David) has since changed them.

well my headlights are changing too....


I have those individual 3" projector beam headlights, and  a massive pair of rally giants for main beam.  I am mounting the tiny lamp in the existing huge circle... not sure how it'll look really, but here goes.  the rally giants will be mounted on the front somewhere some how... can't be too hard now...???


Dave I still love your car - my comments are just my thoughts - not criticisms!  ;)




No offence, i like a bit of banter, makes life more interesting.
Some things you need to know about fitting your new headlights....
Dip beams are regulated, mains are mostly not. On cars registered before 1/4/91 you can have multiple dip beams, after that date only two! On cars there must be at least two dip beams, they must be a matched pair. They must be a minimum of 500mm from the centre of the light to the road, and a maximum of 400mm from the edge nearest the cars side to the side of the car excluding mirrors.
Main beams cannot be out board of the dip beams. What you plan will be very difficult to do legally. There is no positioning requirement for main beams (apart from that stated above ) except they cannot be above 1200mm from the road.

rally giants in the current holes then, and mini dip beams in a new housing on the top of the wheel arch somehow.  I am modding the arch anyway so a new cover/cowl/housing wont be a problem...  probably/maybe...!


actually, are mains a requirement?  dips obviously are, but mains?


can i get away with dip and rally giant fogs?  I know lenses are different for a different beam pattern, but would a fog light that works off the main beam stalk switch  be classed as fog or main beam?  Whats the legal technical difference?  is it the switch operation, the beam pattern or the positioning or something else?

Looking at the C+U regs it appears that mainbeam lights could be considered optional so your fog lights may well be fine, providing the light give an approved "hot spot" look at this link and see what you think.

Bum....here it is again;

Oh and a big Doh! For me..........
Main beams are a legal requirement, just optional to be part of the same light unit as dip.......just click "next schedule" on the link posted above. Ooops.

here is a copy of the badges i have had made up for the radiator grille, the club logo is going on the grille as well as the other one, the Dutton Phaeton S1 badge will have the background the same colour as the car.....so it should really stand out.


here is the car with them fitted, i have tried various combinations and i think the last of the three works the best.


or with out the club badge,


But the one that looks best.....i think.


not sure what to do with the club badge now......

Dave, what are they made out of? The dutton Phaeton one would be good as a rear boot lid badge with the different model code S1, S2, S3, S4 and the background in the ally colour. Club badge on the grille.

Can you get them made at reasonable cost?

will ask the question about cost....I'll ask for 10 of each. That said the badge on my grille was printed out on my computer printer and glued to some stiff card and lacquered. it will do until the proper ones arrive. They will be made from vinyl and are guaranteed to last years in normal use

I have made these up if you want to use them on your cars...






and finaly....


print them as you can


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