
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Just pie in the sky at the moment but I am thinking of going in the Dutton next year any interest from you guys.

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Take a look at this site guys, I have stayed here with the caravan, good food, good beer, B&B and a campsite. Just waiting for them to ring back.
That's the other side of Kirkstone pass towards Ulleswater. Good road, The struggle down to Ambleside, Langdale and Borrowdale all within easy reach.
At the moment we have 5 cars including the westie, which I guess will be 10 people. (maths is not guessing I have just been told by my 12 year old).
Hi Guy's, OK spoke to Sykeside they have 6 rooms available at £34.00 per person B&B so £68.00 a room. Adrian & Sue, Me & Marian, Steve & (sorry) Mrs Steve, all going. just waiting Martin to confirm, and Ben your as well ringing me 07990572756. The date is 28th-29th March. I can book this but have to pay up front, that's not a problem thanks to mister plastic.
OK guys Sykeside is booked and paid for. Ben still rooms available give me a ring or ring Sykeside direct.
Hi Steve & Martin, Thank you cheques arrived
I am going to sound really stupid here but do I need to give you some money or make a call?
Been really lax this week with work being so mental.

Hi Ade, I have paid so you need to pay me. give me a call over the weekend.
no problem :-)
Thats a good idea, I have abandoned the paint job and roof till it warms up, so plan to tax the car 1st march.
I'll give you a ring to arrange a get together. Tell martin to bring the clippers I could do with a trim!!!
what about combining this with a trip out to one of the pistonheads get togethers?
I will check dates too but i know the 7th of march is a no no.
Daisy Dutton is back on the road taxed her today. Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
OH Yes! now I remember why I love my Dutton...
5 months off the road, she starts 1st time, she goes like F###, and she's not got a HEADACHE.
Should have popped over boys, had a huge pile of foam all over the drive for skinning the interior.
How about a sunday lunch meet up rivi barn next week? should keep our better halves happy too, not cooking and stuff.


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