
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Sunday the 26th June, THe Northern Duttoneer's will be at The 26th Lancashire Classic Car & Bike Show at Hoghton Tower, Nr Preston. Gates open at 11am. The weather is promising to be SUNNY!!!

But rain or shine we'll be there. Usual BBQ & picnic (small pork pies for Steve H).


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I will be going to see the show so I will say hello to the Northern Duttoneers
Are you bringing the car, as I have a spare ticket, but you'll need to be there for 10am. I'll PM you with my mobile

I really do need to mailshot all the other members in the NW area, there are some who must never use the internet at all to have missed the fact that we exist.

@Tim, you going to make it this year?

I was telling Dave T last night i'm on Grandparents duty this weekend and melos not insured so a few challanges but if i can drag grandma away from tennis and covince her a nice walk round houghton tower would be healthy for grandkids i hope to show my face. <fingers crossed>

I wish I could be there with the car, but it is still in many pieces spread around the garage.  I will pop over to the show sometime before lunch (dinner time)

Be good to meet you David.


Wheels sorted, car polished, tank full, oil and water checked, sat nav charged, Ipod charged, camera loaded and charged, chairs packed, hat packed, sunnies on the dash ready to go. Wont that be a first for me Dave?
It certainly will, 12 hours to go though any thing could happen to you.
Phaeton washed, Done, Polished, Done, Checked over, Done, Sausages, bought, Picnic food, Bought. We are ready to go. The weather looks very promising, The making of a great day out. See you all at the Black Dog 9am.
Just checked the met office, drive to black dog with roof up! Drive on to event with roof up, take waterproofs. Either that or the met office have screwed up big time.
Won't be the first time remember Michael Fish "Hurricane what Hurricane?"

Not only was I down south in the 'not' hurricane, I was out picking up dead trees for two days with a BT pole truck crew and a chainsaw.

Weather was great today, bits of me will sting tomorrow from mild sunburn (I won't mention the showers)


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