
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Took the rear drums off to have a look at the brakes. I want to get new shoes and wheel cylinders but i'm not sure what axle it is. Can anyone tell by the photos?

The other problem is I can't get the damn thing to run now either. Started fine tuesday night. Fitted new plugs and condensor yesterday. I accidently broke the rotor arm so put on an old spare and now it won't run.

Tried putting the old condensor back on too, points look brand spanking and aren't pitted. Have a good spark if I put a plug in to the king lead but the spark looks a bit weedy from a normal outlet and possibly intermittent. Voltage to coil is all good and fuel is getting to the carbs. Going to get a new cap and arm and see if that helps.

On a plus note, a new earth at the back now means all lights are functioning correctly!

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Oh forgot to say when you start to split the top be careful to ease the rubber diaphgram from the carb body, just in case it's not torn..
Took the tops off the carbs and had a look at both of the diaphgrams and they both look to be intact, couldn't see any splits.

So, removed the carbs (one was a right sod to get off!). Just taken the bottoms off to have a quick look. Both of them the float is moving ok and the little valve they touch is moving freely. However, one of them looks quite full of crap so could well be a blocked jet. Gonna give them a good clean this week with some carb cleaner.

Hi Pete, I spoke to a Triumph specialist today, about your problem. He said if it ran and you did not alter the timing after it ran, then it should run again. He said it sounds like a fuel problem, are you getting fuel to the carbs, if not it might be the fuel pump which he said is another common fault. Just some more idea's to try.
Thanks for that Dave, I can't think its anything major. Before I started looking at the carbs I tried disconnecting the fuel pipe and turning the engine over, seemed to be pumping fine. Gonna give the carbs a good clean with carb cleaner and give it another whirl at the weekend, not gonna worry too much if it doesn't the aim for the weekend is getting the brakes done.
Dave what oil can I use top up the dampers? I spilled most of it out of one of them when I removed the carb!
It say's light machine oil, we always used 3 in 1 oil.
Your back axle looks like mine, and that i think is a Mk2 cortina axle, I have recently replaced the rear shoes and wheel cylinders, they were not hard to get, the parts came for MK1/2 ford capri 2.0L (9" drums)
Thats the same as my spare axle, which is different to the one on the legerra but only the backplate and brake shoes. I'll concur with early escort/anglia/cortina rather than the later ones which has the brake shoes at an angle.


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