Took the rear drums off to have a look at the brakes. I want to get new shoes and wheel cylinders but i'm not sure what axle it is. Can anyone tell by the photos?

The other problem is I can't get the damn thing to run now either. Started fine tuesday night. Fitted new plugs and condensor yesterday. I accidently broke the rotor arm so put on an old spare and now it won't run.
Tried putting the old condensor back on too, points look brand spanking and aren't pitted. Have a good spark if I put a plug in to the king lead but the spark looks a bit weedy from a normal outlet and possibly intermittent. Voltage to coil is all good and fuel is getting to the carbs. Going to get a new cap and arm and see if that helps.
On a plus note, a new earth at the back now means all lights are functioning correctly!