ford v6,,,,its,,got to be mid,blue or red,,,,,,,,,,,
Id go mid blue block and sump, red heads and again mid blue for top covers.
I have just started to paint my Essex V6 block red. I going red block, black heads. I did once see an Essex that was a red block with silver heads that looked well. It's a matter of personal choice.
Red block and heads, chrome accssories, red chassis and a Chrome full body wrap !!!! WOW.
Oh No,everybody does red ! It won't go any faster you know, that only applied to red motorbikes :-)))
my opinion exactly Vern......shame as i like red as a colour but if you banned red and BRG cars off the road 90% of sports cars would disappear over night ;-)
I wasn't suggesting we should ban them as that would be two of my three :-( As a kid it was always red motor bikes are fastest except for my yellow Fs1e of course :-)))))
Budding rossi ? back then it was Barry Sheene, Kenny Roberts and Eddie Lawson we were all trying to emulate on our 'peds' :-)
All my mates had either a Fizzie or the Suzuki equivelent, all I could afford at the time was a Puch Maxi !!!!! 3 speed with a gear change that was like a left hand twist grip, would do 32 mph going down hill :-) it even had a go faster chrome tank. Happy Days.
As long as it's 'hi vis' flourescent pink not some wishy washy girly colour...
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